We hope you will join us for

2024 Vanderbilt - Warwick Mechanobiology Symposium
The 2024 Vanderbilt - Warwick Mechanobiology Symposium is organized in collaboration between the Vanderbilt Center on Mechanobiology and the Centre for Mechanochemical Cell Biology at the University of Warwick, UK. The program will showcase mechanobiology research across scales, from single molecules to tissues. The event is free and open to researchers from any institution, but the registration is limited to 100 participants.

Engineering Science Building
2414 Highland Ave.
Room 044/048
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN USA
Please register using this link. Registration is free and open to researchers from any institution. We are accepting abstract submissions to be considered for talks and posters until May 10 deadline. Extramural trainees presenting their research can apply for travel grants, which will cover up to $300 of transportation and lodging costs. The registration will be limited to 100 participants.
This Symposium has been made possible by generous contributions from the Vanderbilt Global Scholars in Residence Program, the Deans of the Vanderbilt School of Medicine Basic Sciences and the Vanderbilt School of Engineering as well as The Warwick Institute for Advanced Studies.
For questions and more information, please contact:
Emily Rampe, event coordinator | Email: emily.rampe@vanderbilt.edu