Cummings speaks at AIChE ‘centennial’ meeting

The American Institute of Chemical Engineers celebrated its 100th anniversary at the AIChE annual meeting in Philadelphia in November.

Peter T. Cummings, John R. Hall Professor of Chemical Engineering, was invited to give one of five overview talks in a Centennial SuperSession on “Major Successes and Exciting Prospects for Research in Core Chemical Engineering Areas.”

Cummings gave a presentation on thermodynamics, reviewing achievements and progress in this core area of chemical engineering and projecting the future of this crucial subfield of chemical engineering.

Cummings was also one of nine faculty members featured in “Chemical Engineering in the Next 25 Years: Twenty-five of the profession’s thought-leaders speculate about what the future holds,” an article published in the November 2008 issue of Chemical and Engineering Progress, the AIChE’s monthly magazine, which was devoted to the centennial.