Expert Sources for Industry and Media

Vanderbilt University School of Engineering faculty are available for comment on current research issues and trends in a variety of specialties. Media professionals are encouraged to contact the Engineering Communications office, which can help facilitate timely responses to inquiries.

Areas of Expertise

  • Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

    Dan Lin, Professor of Computer Science
    Data analysis and privacy protection in different domains such as cloud computing, mobile applications, social media platforms, and Internet of vehicles

    James Weimer, Assistant Professor of Computer Science
    Learning-enabled cyber-physical systems (CPS), internet-of-medical-things (IoMT), challenges arising from: unmodeled variability, dataset shifts, anomalies, limited data, and sensing constraints

    Jules White, Director of Vanderbilt’s Initiative on the Future of Learning & Generative AI, Professor of Computer Science
    ChatGPT, cyber-security, and software engineering in domains ranging from healthcare to manufacturing

    Pamela Wisniewski, Associate Professor of Computer Science, Flowers Family Fellow in Engineering
    Social media, privacy, and online safety for adolescents

  • Biomanufacturing

    Matthew Lang, Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
    Biological motors, cell signaling and immunology

    Marjan Rafat, Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, and Radiation Oncology
    Combining engineering and cancer biology concepts

    Krishnendu Roy, Bruce and Bridgitt Evans Dean of Engineering, Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
    Design and development of novel delivery systems for vaccines and immunotherapies against cancer and infectious diseases, 

    John T. Wilson, Associate Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology
    Molecularly engineered materials, cellular engineering and drug delivery, innovative therapeutic approaches: delivery of immunomodulatory cues to the organs, cells, and intracellular pathways of the immune system

    Jamey D. Young, Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Professor of Engineering, Associate Professor of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, Director of Graduate Studies in Chemical Engineering
    Metabolic engineering; metabolic flux analysis; diabetes, obesity and metabolic disorders; cancer and immune cell metabolism; photosynthesis research; cell culture engineering

  • Biomedical Imaging

    Audrey Bowden, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
    Biophotonics (light-based) tools for applications to medicine and biology, such as for early detection, diagnosis and therapy for cancer; development and deployment of low-cost, high-performing point-of-care technologies for rural and global health applications

    Catie Chang, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
    Understanding of the human brain through methods for analyzing and interpreting functional neuroimaging data

    Bennett Landman, Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering, Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Biomedical Informatics, Neurology
    Applying image-processing technologies to leverage large-scale imaging studies to improve understanding of individual anatomy and personalize medicine

    Anita Mahadevan-Jansen, Professor of Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Director of Undergraduate Studies in Biomedical Engineering, Professor of Neurological Surgery, Director of the Biophotonics Center at Vanderbilt
    Applications of optical techniques for diagnosis of pathology, use of fluorescence and Raman spectroscopics for cancer and pre-cancer detection

  • Energy Conversion and Storage

    Eric Barth, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
    Dynamic systems and control. Design, modeling and control of mechatronic and fluid power systems, free-piston internal combustion and free-piston Stirling engines, power supply and actuation for autonomous robots, and applied non-linear control.

    Greg Walker, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
    Micro-scale heat transfer, heat flux measurement, energy transport processes, ultrasonic pyrometry, thermographic phospors, energy conversion devices, high-performance computing

    Kane Jennings, Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
    Surface chemistry, self-assembly, films, coatings, biohybrid materials, bioinspired materials, and bioreplica materials.

  • Environment, Risk Mitigation and Sustainability

    Hiba Baroud, Associate Chair, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, Director of Graduate Recruiting for Civil Engineering
    Critical infrastructure systems modeling, risk analysis, statistical modeling, risk-informed decision analysis, resilience modeling

    Sankaran Mahadevan, John R. Murray Professor of Engineering
    Structural Mechanics in Civil, Mechanical and Aerospace Systems; Materials Durability – Metals, Composites, Cementitious Materials (Fatigue, Fracture, Creep, Corrosion and other Chemical Processes); Reliability and Risk Engineering; Structural Health Diagnosis and Prognosis; Computational Model Uncertainty; Optimization under Uncertainty

    Craig Philip, Research Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Director of the Vanderbilt Center for Transportation and Operational Resiliency (VECTOR)
    Management and sustainability of freight transportation networks and operations, infrastructure resilience and application of risk management tools to public policy making, carrier safety management and regulation of 24/7/365 operations, water resource management and balancing multistakeholder interests

    Steven Krahn, Professor of the Practice of Nuclear Environmental Engineering
    Nuclear and environmental policy and regulation; risk assessment and risk management; operational readiness and technology insertion in nuclear facilities; the nuclear fuel cycle

    Shihong Lin, Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Director of Graduate Recruiting for Environmental Engineering, Chancellor Faculty Fellow
    Membrane Processes, water-energy-environment nexus, environmental surface science, environmental application and implication of nanotechnology

  • Medical Devices/Surgical Robotics

    Benoit Dawant, Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Engineering, Director of the Vanderbilt Institute for Surgery and Engineering
    Medical image processing and analysis, image registration, image segmentation, image-guided surgery.

    Xiaoguang Dong, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
    Research Focus: The design, manufacture and control of miniature soft robots, and their applications in minimally invasive medicine, microfluidics and biomechanics. The design, manufacture and control of miniature swarm robots, and their applications in biomedicine and biomechanics. The modeling, design, manufacture and control of intelligent soft materials

    Michael Goldfarb, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Co-director, Center for Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology
    Design, modeling, and control of electromechanical devices and systems, design of high-energy-density robotic actuators, control of fluid-powered actuators and devices

    Michael Miga, Harvey Branscomb Professor, Professor of Biomedical Engineering
    Development of new paradigms in detection, diagnosis, characterization, and treatment of disease through the integration of computational models into research and clinical practice.

    Nabil Simaan, Professor of Mechanical Engineering
    Robotic systems for surgical assistance, theoretical kinematics of mechanisms, synthesis and optimization of robots and mechanisms, design of flexure mechanisms and flexible robots, parallel robots, actuation redundancy and kinematic redundancy

    Robert Webster, Professor of Mechanical Engineering
    Image guidance, robotic surgery, screw theory, mechanics-based modeling, and optimal mechanism design other techniques related to computer-aided surgery.

    James Weimer, Assistant Professor of Computer Science
    Internet-of-medical-things (IoMT), technology transfer and commercialization

    Jie Ying Wu, Assistant Professor of Computer Science
    Using machine learning techniques to transform surgical robots from a teleoperated tool to an intelligent assistant

    Karl Zelik, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
    Biomechanics of legged locomotion, lower-limb prosthetics, assistive technology, dynamic walking principles, neural control, human-device interfaces, mobility, rehabilitation engineering

  • Nanotechnology

    Sharon Weiss, Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Engineering and Professor of Electrical Engineering
    Light-matter interaction, silicon photonics, porous silicon biosensors, nanotechnology, nanocomposite materials

    Bridget Rogers, Associate Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
    Surfaces, interfaces, and films of technically important materials

    Leon Bellan, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
    Microfluidics, microfluidic materials, smart materials, biomaterials, micro and nanotechnology, bioMEMS.

    Jason Valentine, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
    Optical metamaterials, plasmonics, transformation optics, nanophotonics, nanoimaging, active photonics, gradient index optics, high spatial resolution bioimaging and sensing, solar energy conversion, scalable 3D nanomanufacturing.

  • Smart Cities

    Abhishek Dubey, Associate Professor of Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Artificial intelligence, distributed computing for cyber-physical systems, smart and connected communities, co-design of resilient computational abstractions and the online learning algorithms and decision procedures for cyber-physical systems

    Meiyi Ma, Assistant Professor of Computer Science
    Integrating machine learning and formal methods, and applying integrative solutions to build safe, robust, and reliable Cyber-Physical Systems

    Jonathan Sprinkle, Professor of Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Model-based approaches to cyber-physical systems, and he teaches courses ranging from systems modeling and control to mobile application development and software engineering.

    Daniel Work, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, Director of Graduate Studies in Civil Engineering
    Transportation cyber physical systems, transportation data analytics, traffic estimation & control, connected & autonomous vehicles, mathematical models of traffic, inverse modeling, mobile sensing

  • Electronics and Space Systems

    Amrutur Anilkumar, Professor of the Practice of Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering
    Drop dynamics, aero-propulsion, energy conversion, design and development of experimental facilities, flow diagnostics and instrumentation

    Ron Schrimpf, Orrin H. Ingram Professor of Engineering, Director of the Institute for Space and Defense Electronics
    Semiconductor device physics, radiation effects and reliability in semiconductor devices, microelectronic test structures, and simulation tools for microelectronics

    Robert Reed, Professor of Electrical Engineering
    Radiation effects on electronics