Three engineering faculty members will be honored for their achievements as 2012-2013 Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows May 3 at the annual Celebration of Teaching event sponsored by the Center for Teaching and the Graduate School.
The 2013 event has been expanded to include a variety of panels and presentations throughout the day featuring successes, innovations and research in teaching and learning. The event is open to Vanderbilt faculty, staff and students.
Bennett Landman, assistant professor of electrical engineering and computer science; Jason Valentine, assistant professor of mechanical engineering; and Yaqiong Xu, assistant professor of electrical engineering and computer science, will be recognized along with six other Vanderbilt faculty members who have completed the yearlong Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows program in the Center for Teaching.

The ceremony, in the Commons Center atrium at 2:30, will feature remarks from Tim McNamara, vice provost, Faculty and International Affairs; Dennis Hall, vice provost for research and dean of the Graduate School; Christin Essin, assistant professor of theatre and a Junior Faculty Teaching Fellow; and Sarah Collier, pathology, microbiology and immunology, and a SoTL Scholar (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning).
This year’s Celebration of Teaching will feature two sets of concurrent sessions on topics of interest to the Vanderbilt teaching community from 10-11:15 a.m. and 12:45-2 p.m.
Engineering faculty members presenting in sessions include Haoxiang Luo, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, and Doug Fisher, associate professor of computer science and computer engineering. See session schedule here.

Also, this year’s event includes a lunch featuring a panel of deans reflecting on the teaching and learning landscape at Vanderbilt. Panelists are Dean of the College of Arts & Science Carolyn Dever, Senior Associate Dean for Health Sciences Education Bonnie Miller, and Camilla Benbow, Patricia and Rodes Hart Dean of Education and Human Development at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College. Each will share how they have seen teaching and its role at Vanderbilt change in recent years, and discuss trends they see that might affect college and university teaching over the next few years. The lunch event is closed.