The Vanderbilt School of Engineering is launching a new lecture series Feb. 29 that will showcase young engineering talent.

The intent of the Emerging Scholars in Engineering Lecture series is to showcase young people from underrepresented groups who are nearing completion or who have completed a doctoral degree.
“The goal of the Emerging Scholars series is to bring to campus and to feature the work of young researchers who have shown particular promise early in their careers as graduate students or postdoctoral researchers,” said Dean Philippe Fauchet.
The lecture series was proposed to the dean by the School of Engineering’s Faculty Development and Diversity Committee.

The inaugural Emerging Scholars lecture will be delivered by Catherine Whittington, a postdoctoral scientist in oncology research at Eli Lilly and Company, as part of the Lilly Innovation Fellowship Award program, at 4 p.m. in Light Hall 202. She received a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering with a focus on biomaterials and tissue engineering from Purdue University in 2012. Her lecture title is “3D In Vitro Models of Tissue Morphogenesis and Disease.” The second Emerging Scholars lecture will be held in April.

“Engineering faculty members nominate candidates for this series to the Faculty Development and Diversity Committee. We view the seminar series as an opportunity for these outstanding future faculty to learn more about the School of Engineering and Vanderbilt, as well as giving us the opportunity to learn more about them, their research and their future career goals,” said Clare McCabe, chair of the committee and professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering.
Other members of the Faculty Development and Diversity Committee are David Merryman, biomedical engineering; Mark Abkowitz, civil and environmental engineering; William Robinson and Sharon Weiss, electrical engineering and computer science; and Robert Webster, mechanical engineering.
Brenda Ellis, (615) 343-6314
Twitter @VUEngineering