Two engineering professors received prestigious university awards at the 2019 Spring Faculty Assembly. The awards recognize teaching, research and service to students and the university.
Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos presented the Ellen Gregg Ingalls Award for Excellence in Classroom Teaching to Gerald Roth and the Harvie Branscomb Distinguished Professor Award to Benoit Dawant during the April 4 ceremony at the Student Life Center.
The Ingalls Award, endowed in 1965 by the Ingalls Foundation of Birmingham, Alabama, is one of two teaching awards presented annually. Final selection is made by the chancellor on the basis of nominations made by undergraduates of all schools and colleges.
Gerald Roth, professor of the practice of computer science, was recognized for his passion for teaching. “His enthusiasm for teaching shines through to his students, as students wrote in their nominations that he ‘makes data structures more interesting than most TV shows’ and that ‘Vanderbilt should do everything possible to hire more professors like [him],’ Zeppos said.
In addition to teaching, Roth is the faculty adviser for the VandyCS Club and serves as a member of the computer science department’s curriculum committee. He earned his doctorate in computer science from Rice University and has taught at Vanderbilt since 2006.
The Branscomb Award was established in 1963 to honor retiring Chancellor Harvie Branscomb. Faculty recipients of this award are recognized for overarching contributions to creative scholarship, inspiring teaching and service to students and the university.
Benoit Dawant, Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Engineering, is the director of the Vanderbilt Institute for Surgery and Engineering (VISE). Dawant’s research focuses on image analysis to develop algorithms and methods that assist clinicians in their medical procedures.
His research’s implication for improved societal health, strong teaching record and service through his leadership of VISE clearly demonstrate his commitment to the advancement of his colleagues, students and the university, Zeppos said.
Dawant received his doctorate from the University of Houston and joined the faculty of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department in 1988.

Brenda Ellis, (615) 343-6314