Three engineering faculty members have received grants to support the early stages of pioneering research projects identified as likely candidates for further funding from federal, foundation and industry sponsors.
Spring 2022 Seeding Success Grants were awarded to 14 faculty and are the second cycle of the internal early investment funding initiative. The grants, awarded to faculty spanning the university’s disciplines and schools, are available to all full-time Vanderbilt faculty.
“The Seeding Success Grants offer us a great strategy to further faculty innovation and scholarship as we continue to catapult Vanderbilt’s research reputation forward as a highest-caliber university. Vice Provost for Research Padma Raghavan plays such a key leadership role as we dedicate new resources and support for faculty research through funding programs like this one,” Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs C. Cybele Raver said. “I congratulate the faculty who received this year’s awards and look forward to learning more about their groundbreaking discoveries.”
The School of Engineering recipients are:
- Todd Giorgio, professor of biomedical engineering, School of Engineering, for “Biomaterials to Prevent Preterm Birth”
- David Hyde, assistant professor of computer science, School of Engineering, for “Advanced Cloud-based Data- and Visualization-integrated Simulation EnviRonment (ADVISER) for Ice Flow and Fracture Modeling”
- Robert Pitz, professor of mechanical engineering, School of Engineering, for “Study of Carbon-free Ammonia-air Flames in Tubular Burner”
“I am delighted that distinguished faculty members will receive Seeding Success Grants to undertake ambitious new directions in their research, and I look forward to seeing them amplify the impact of their work with external funding in future,” said Raghavan, whose office has administered the program since its move from the Office of the Provost last year.
Applications for the next cycle of Seeding Success Grants will be due on Sept. 7, 2022. The InfoReady application portal will be announced in MyVU during summer 2022 and will be available on the Seeding Success Grant webpage.
Contact: Brenda Ellis, 615 343-6314