The Office of the Vice Provost of Research is partnering with editors from Nature Communications and Nature Biomedical Engineering for a workshop to help researchers get published in top journals.

The workshop follows on the heels of the Nature Conference on Bioengineering for Global Health conference that will be held at Vanderbilt on Nov. 13-15. Audrey Bowden, associate professor of biomedical engineering and Dorothy J. Wingfield Phillips Chancellor’s Faculty Fellow, is helping to organize both events.
The workshop on Nov. 16 is part of the Nature Masterclasses series offered by Nature Research and Springer Nature. Researchers whose work falls in relevant disciplines of STEM, the social sciences, medicine, and biomedical sciences are invited to participate. Early-career and underrepresented faculty from Vanderbilt University and Meharry Medical College are especially encouraged to attend.
Participants are asked to submit an example abstract of current, in-progress work they want to be considered for publication. They will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with the editors for discussion and review of their work.
Workshop topics include: practical techniques for developing your scientific writing skills; best practices for submitting a paper or completing a peer review; and journal editorial processes, including what editors look for in papers.
To register or for more information, please contact Spots are limited.