Guelcher, Wikswo are awardees in latest round of Vanderbilt’s Innovation Catalyst Fund

Two engineering professors are awardees in the latest round of Vanderbilt University’s Innovation Catalyst Fund, an initiative that supports translational research that has promising commercial potential.

Scott Guelcher, professor of chemical, biomolecular and biomedical engineering, for Preclinical Testing of Resorbable Surgical Mesh.
John Wikswo, University Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering, for Accelerating the Development and Commercialization of a Robot Scientist/Self-Driving Biological Laboratory.

The fund, which is available to all university and Vanderbilt University Medical Center faculty, helps tackle real-world problems. It provides vital support in three key areas: proving ideas can be commercialized, supporting early-stage innovation projects, and furthering research that benefits the community and society.

The fund is spearheaded by the Office of the Vice Provost for Research and Innovation, in consultation with the Division of Finance, VUMC’s Office of Research and academic leaders across Vanderbilt’s colleges and schools. The Center for Technology Transfer and Commercialization manages the program with support from the Brock Center and the Wond’ry, Vanderbilt’s Innovation Center. The collaborative effort underscores the university’s commitment to promoting translational and commercially oriented research initiatives.

All submitted applications undergo a rigorous peer review process by the Catalyst Fund Review Committee, which is made up of Vanderbilt University and VUMC faculty members across four primary research domains: arts and humanities, bioscience and health care, engineering and physical sciences, and social sciences. Funding decisions are made by a council of Vanderbilt leadership in research and innovation.