Instructions on How to Access the Placement Exam
Step 1- Check VU email for the subject line: "Welcome and Registration Information- Vanderbilt School of Engineering" to retrieve the 10 character class code. If you did not receive the email please contact:
Step 2 –Follow Instructions Here (Class of 2029 will be posted early May)
Calculus Placement Exam Scores – What Do They Mean?
As you probably noticed, the ALEKS calculus placement exam is focused on readiness for calculus rather than on testing actual calculus knowledge. Now that you have completed the exam, here is your key to interpreting results:
- If your overall score was ≥90% with ≥80% in each subcategory:
- You are ready to start in MATH 1300.
- If you also earned a 5 on the AP Calculus AB exam, earned a 5 on the AB subscore of the BC exam, or otherwise earned credit for MATH 1300, you may start in MATH 1301.
- If you also earned a 5 on the AP Calculus BC exam or otherwise earned credit for both MATH 1300 and 1301, you may start in MATH 2300.
- If your overall score was <90% or your score in any subcategory was <80%, use the learning modules in ALEKS to learn/relearn the necessary skills. Then retake the placement exam.
- If you have spent time with the learning modules and have retaken the placement exam multiple times and are still not reaching the 90% overall and 80% in each subcategory marks, please contact to discuss your options.
We want for you to be successful at VU, so it is really important to take this placement and preparation work seriously. The Office of Academic Services is here to support you. Please contact us with any questions.