Engineering Forms


Download and complete the appropriate form below and submit to

Note: Paper copies are no longer accepted for any forms. All forms must be scanned or photographed and submitted to the email above (Regardless of instructions listed on the form). All registration related forms are due to the OAS on the add/drop deadline for the semester of which enrollment is requested.  Please note that submission of the form does not guarantee enrollment as it will need to be reviewed by our office.

  1. The above workflow is to change your primary major within your home school or to add/drop a second major or minor inside or outside your home school. To change your primary major to a major outside of your home school please click here for more information.
  2. For declaring CS as a second major or minor, follow the instructions listed here prior to completing the webform to gain approval from the CS adviser first
  3. Class of 2028 School of Engineering students please use the major declaration form on the incoming students page here

How To's

  • To submit a request to participate in 2024 Fall research/individual study (Deadline-Friday, August 30th at 11:59 p.m. central):
    1. On the student landing page in YES, click on 'Individual Study'.
    2. The individual study form will open. Input the requested personal information. 
    3. Next, select your home school (associated with your primary major).
    4. Select the course in which you hope to enroll and input all information requested, including credit hours listed, the term in which you hope to enroll, and whether or not you will be dropping a different course if approved to enroll in undergraduate research/individual study. 
    5. Input name of the faculty member with whom you will work for this undergraduate research/individual study. 
    6. Write a detailed description of the research in which you will participate. Note that this description is what departmental and school-level approvers will be basing their approval of this enrollment upon. 
    7. Submit the form; you will be automatically enrolled in the course upon all approvals (and dropped from relevant course you input in #4, above). 
  • To submit a request to withdraw from a 2024 Fall course: (Deadline- Friday, October 25th at 11:59 p.m. central)
    1. On the student landing page in YES, click on 'Course Withdrawal'.
    2. The course withdrawal form will open. Input the requested personal information. 
    3. Next, select your home school (associated with your primary major) and faculty adviser (found in YES). 
    4. Select the course from which you wish to withdraw and answer the 4 questions. Please be advised that withdrawing from a course can affect billing, financial aid, immigration status, and/or athletic eligibility. Contact information will be provided.

       4a. If the withdrawal will result in a semester enrollment of less than 12 hours total, then please complete the         webform for the 'VUSE Underload Acknowledgment' found here : 


    5. Sign the form and submit the request for approval. Requests for course wtihdrawal will route to the following for review and approval: your adviser, the Office of Academic Services and in some cases the Associate Dean. Withdrawal requests will not be processed until all approvals have been finalized. Requests for which approvals have not been finalized within 7 days will be cancelled. 
  • To convert a 2024 Fall Pass/Fail course back to a graded basis course or to change a course from graded to Pass/Fail: (Deadline- Friday, October 25th at 4 p.m. central)
    1. Download the appropriate form above.
    2. Complete the appropriate portions of the form, and then save the form as, “Pass-Fail conversion – (YOUR NAME).”
    3. Email the form to