Career Workshops & Job Outlook

As a VU engineering student, your career prospects are excellent if you take appropriate steps to achieve your goals. Earning your degree with good grades is not enough.   You will need to develop a professional network, participate in internships, and research industries and employers of interest.  You will need to learn how to present yourself to employers. The VU Career Center has the resources you need to help you learn these skills and make these connections. Peak on-campus recruiting seasons are September to November and January to March for both full-time and internship opportunities.  

2024-2025 Professional Development and Career Events

  • September 2024


    Resume and Interview Skills Workshop

    Listen from a career coach about resume and interview skills tips and tactics. 

  • Thursday, September 12th

    2:00 - 6:00 PM CT Student Life Center Ballroom

    Engineering Career Fair

    The Career Center will host local and national organizations for the 2024 Fall Engineering Fair. 

  • November 2024


    Strategies for Finding an Internship

    Hear from a career coach on strategies to find an internship and when you should start looking.

  • November 2024


    LinkedIn Workshop

    Learn how to make the most of a LinkedIn profile. 

  • December 2024


    Managing Personal Finances

    Join us for this presentation on how to manage your personal finances.

  • January 2025


    Career Fair Prep

    Hear from a career coach on how to prepare for a career fair. 

  • January 2025


    How to Negotiate a Salary

    Learn how to negotiate a salary when offered a job.

  • February 2025


    Industry Night

    This event will bring together employers representing diverse engineering concentrations, offering a unique opportunity for students to network and gain valuable insights. Get ready to engage with industry experts, explore career possibilities, and build meaningful connections, and pave the way for a successful engineering career.

  • March 2025


    Beyond Internships

    Explore the many ways to build your Engineering resume outside of a formal internship.

  • April 2025


    I Got the Internship/Job, Now What?

    Hear from a panel of Vanderbilt University School of Engineering alumni on how to successfully set yourself up when you have a new internship or job. Learn how to be make the most of your experience and how to navigate setting yourself up in a new city.

Our Dores & Where They Anchor Down

In the Vanderbilt University School of Engineering, we are proud to share with you the placement results for our graduating students who secure exciting jobs and admission to the finest graduate programs. We survey all graduating students in the month prior to Commencement and have impressive response rates of 88-97% over the last several years.