Student Clubs & Organizations

What's New?

  • 2024-2025 Engineering Student Org Training is happening on August 20, 2024 from 11:00 am CT to 1:00 pm CT.  To register your engineering student organization contact for the registration form. Lunch will be provided.

Vanderbilt University Engineering Council

Representatives selected from the campus engineering societies (see below) participate in the Vanderbilt University School of Engineering (VUSE), Engineering Council, The Engineering Council provides engineering students a voice in the School's decisions and facilitates communication among administration, faculty and students. Officers of the Engineering Council are elected by the engineering student body.

National Engineering Societies

The leading national engineering societies have chartered branches or student sections at the School of Engineering. These student-run organizations are devoted to technical issues. Meetings might include films, speakers, or field trips. Freshmen and sophomores are invited to attend meetings, while juniors and seniors are urged to join the appropriate professional society.

Vanderbilt engineering professional societies include:

School of Engineering Student Clubs and Organizations

Beyond the national engineering societies, there are plenty more student organizations that are geared towards engineering students. Find a club or organization you would like to join or learn more about on Anchor Link.

Resources for Engineering Student Organizations

  • Orientation for Engineering Student Organizations

    At the beginning of each school year, your executive board will be notified of a required orientation for engineering student organizations to attend. This meeting will go over useful information your student organization will need to know for the school year. At least one member of your executive board must attend. 

  • Registering Your Student Org

    It is important to register your student org and keep your information up-to-date Student Organizations, Leadership, and Service (SOLS). Please keep your student org's information up-to-date on Anchorlink at all times. Whenever there is a change in leadership, it is important to keep your organization's information updated.

    For information about SOLS go here:

    For information about Anchorlink go here:

  • Reserving Space for Your Event

    There are many spaces on campus you may reserve for your events. It is important you reserve space as soon as possible for your upcoming events.

    To reserve space for your student organization, you will need to work with Student Centers. You can place your request online here.

    Please do not promote your event until your reservation is confirmed (submitting your request does not mean your reservation is yet confirmed). 

  • Student Org Purchase Requests

    For information about how your student organization can make purchases, please go the Student Organizations, Leadership, and Service (SOLS) website here: 

    For the following engineering students organizations who would like to use a P-Card, please contact Tana Hoffman at

    • Engineering Council (E-Council)
    • Engineers without Borders (EWB)
    • Engineering World Health (EWH)
    • National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
    • Google Student Developer Club
    • Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
    • Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
    • Tau Beta Pi
    • Theta Tau
    • Out In Engineering
    • Vanderbilt Satellite Club
  • Student Org Room

    The student org room for engineering student organizations is located in Featheringill Hall room 356. 

    To request access, please reach out to Each student organization should limit who has access to their executive board. 

    If granted access, your student organization are agreeing to the rules of the room set by the Engineering Council (E-Council). 

    Rules include, but are not limited to:

    1. Utilize the space labeled to your student org ONLY.
    2. Keep all of your items neat.
    3. Do not touch, move, or borrow items from other clubs without explicit permission. 
    4. If the above rules are followed, your student org will retain access to the org room.
    5. If not, you will receive one warning to fix any actions (untidy space, moving other orgs items) before a specificized date.