3.1 The Officers of the BOV shall comprise the Chair, the Vice-Chair, the Dean of the School, and a maximum of two School liaisons to the BOV. Together, they form the Executive Committee.
3.2 The Chair and Vice-Chair usually shall be appointed concurrently and shall both serve terms of two years. It is expected that, upon completion of the Chair's term, the Vice-Chair shall be appointed to serve as Chair.
3.3 The Chair and Vice-Chair shall be appointed by the Dean of the School upon consultation with the Executive Committee.
3.4 In the situation a Chair’s membership term ends prior to completion of her/his term in office, the Dean may extend membership to fulfill the remainder of the term(s) through Past Chair status.
3.5 The Chair shall preside at the meetings of the BOV and of the Executive Committee. The Vice-Chair shall preside in the absence of the Chair.
3.6 The Executive Committee advises the Dean in matters such as BOV membership, ad hoc committee formation, selection of ad hoc committee chairs, and bylaws changes.
3.7 Upon the completion of the Chair’s two-year officer term, she/he shall be appointed as Past Chair. The Past Chair is not a member of the Executive Committee, but may be consulted when her/his knowledge of a particular situation could be helpful in a situation.
3.8 Board of Visitors “emerita/emeritus member” status may be recommended by the Executive Committee and conferred by the Dean as an honorific appointment for particularly significant contributions as a BOV member. Members emeriti will have been in good standing during the entirety of their membership term(s). Members emeriti are not voting-eligible in BOV matters. Members emeriti are invited to BOV meetings and events and will receive regular meeting minutes.