Biomedical Engineering
VISE hosts annual symposium Dec. 12 as new space opens for collaboration
The new VISE space at Medical Center North features a mock OR and a large area for collaboration. The Vanderbilt Institute for Surgery and Engineering hosts it 7th Annual Symposium Dec. 12 with invited speakers from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Johns Hopkins University and the Chinese… Read MoreDec. 4, 2018
Clark Scholars mingle with foundation and university leadership
Clark Scholars mingle with foundation and university officials at a November reception. (Vanderbilt University) Now a group of 20 students, the A. James Clark Scholars at the School of Engineering met recently with members of the foundation that endowed the program as well as top Vanderbilt officials. The Clark Scholars Program is… Read MoreNov. 30, 2018
Vanderbilt Biophotonics Center collaboration seeks earlier diagnosis of throat cancer
Cancers of the tonsils and the base of the tongue related to the human papillomavirus (HPV) are frequently small, often with no early-stage symptoms, so many patients go undiagnosed until tumors have spread to lymph nodes in the neck. Oropharyngeal cancers—cancers of the back of the throat, including the base… Read MoreNov. 28, 2018
BME’s Merryman and collaborators find potential way to prevent rare lung disease
Research by Vanderbilt scientists suggests that it may be possible to prevent or even reverse pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), a rare, progressive disease characterized by narrowing of and high blood pressure in the small arteries of the lungs. A key player in PAH is the proangiogenic cell (PAC), a cell… Read MoreNov. 20, 2018
Wond’ry recognized as Outstanding Emerging Entrepreneurship Center
The Wond’ry was named an Outstanding Emerging Entrepreneurship Center at the annual Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers conference, held last week in Chicago. The Wond’ry opened in 2016 as Vanderbilt University’s epicenter for innovation, creative collaboration and entrepreneurship. “This award is truly an honor and a testament to the… Read MoreOct. 25, 2018
Reinhart-King receives the inaugural BMES Mid-Career Award
Cynthia A. Reinhart-King, a nationally recognized cellular bioengineer, is the inaugural recipient of the Biomedical Engineering Society’s Mid-Career Award. Reinhart-King delivered the award lecture Saturday, Oct. 20, at the BMES 2018 Annual Meeting in Atlanta. Reinhart-King Reinhart-King received the 2010 Rita Schaffer Young Investigator Award and she is the only… Read MoreOct. 25, 2018
BME student and Melodore gets advanced course in violin making
BME senior Shaan Ramaprasad, far right, is the Melodores’ musical director as well as a violin player – and maker. Shaan Ramaprasad is quite pleased with his new violin and not only because he likes the sound – which is much more full and rich than it was three months… Read MoreOct. 15, 2018
Summer program exposes 80+ engineering undergraduates to research immersion
Summer research programs immerse students in a project for 10 weeks. More than 80 engineering undergraduates took part, a record. (Vanderbilt/Steve Green) More than 80 engineering undergraduate students spent 10 weeks immersed in research projects that spanned all departments and focus areas, experiences that in some cases have changed planned… Read MoreOct. 15, 2018
BME postdoc joins Academic Pathways fellowship program
Andrea Locke (Vanderbilt University) A biomedical engineer who has specialized in developing affordable, portable and rapid point-of-care glucose management devices is in the second cohort of fellows in Vanderbilt’s Academic Pathways Postdoctoral Fellowship program. The program serves as a bridge between academic training and entry-level faculty positions with a particular… Read MoreOct. 2, 2018
Engineering school announces six faculty appointments
The Vanderbilt University School of Engineering announces the appointment of a senior faculty member and five junior faculty members representing biomedical, civil, and computer science departments. Audrey Bowden Audrey Ellerbee Bowden is an associate professor of biomedical engineering. She joins the School of Engineering as a tenured professor from Stanford… Read MoreOct. 1, 2018