Biomedical Engineering
Ten cross-disciplinary projects with engineering collaborators win TIPs funding
Ten of 17 cross-disciplinary projects selected for the initial set of awards from Vanderbilt’s new Trans-Institutional Program (TIPs) initiative include 23 School of Engineering collaborators. Philippe Fauchet “These projects represent a broad range of research and teaching, and I’m happy so many engineers are working in such varied fields. Forging… Read MoreJun. 23, 2015
New nanoparticle enhances success rate of coronary artery bypass grafts
Illustration shows “nanopolyplex” delivery of a peptide into a surface leg vein prior to bypass grafting. The peptide inhibits a signaling pathway that drives proliferation of cells in the inner lining of the blood vessel, a process known as intimal hyperplasia (IH). As shown at… Read MoreJun. 19, 2015
Q&A: Top Boeing engineer, Vandy alum lauds aerospace club for wins
Vanderbilt Aerospace Club members recover their rocket at the launch day competition that took place on April 11 at Bragg Farms in Toney, Alabama, near NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville. (Courtesy of Vanderbilt Aerospace Club) Paul Turczynski graduated Vanderbilt University in 1990 with… Read MoreMay. 15, 2015
Dean presents 2015 engineering faculty, staff awards
The School of Engineering recognized faculty and staff members for their exemplary research, teaching, and professional service during the 2014-2015 academic year. At the final faculty meeting of the year Dean Philippe Fauchet announced faculty promotions, recognized emeritus professors, and he presented four annual awards during a reception following the… Read MoreMay. 5, 2015
Merryman’s heart research spans new valves for kids, better surgery for elders
David Merryman's efforts have not only earned him national recognition for his research, but also the title of associate professor of biomedical engineering with tenure and another R01 grant from the National Institutes of Health. (Daniel Dubois/Vanderbilt University) Walk down a long hallway packed with rows of… Read MoreMay. 4, 2015
School to bestow honors on 2015 graduating seniors
Awards and honors will be presented by Dean Philippe Fauchet to seniors at the School of Engineering’s annual Commencement Reception at the University Club May 7. Akash Umakantha, from West Chester, Ohio, is the recipient of the 2015 Founder’s Medal for the School of Engineering. He graduated with a bachelor… Read MoreMay. 1, 2015
Design Day 2015 wows crowd; AT&T presents Innovation awards
A crowd gathers in Featheringill Hall to see more than 60 engineering design projects created by teams of seniors who have devoted two semesters to solving design problems. (Joe Howell/Vanderbilt) News from Design Day: More awards, more space for projects, a move to Vanderbilt’s Student Life… Read MoreApr. 24, 2015
Vanderbilt charters first SACNAS student chapter in Tennessee
Biomedical engineering Ph.D. student is president A new campus organization devoted to increasing the number of Hispanic/Chicano and Native American undergraduate and graduate students who major in science and engineering has been chartered at Vanderbilt University. Vanderbilt University’s Society for Advancement of Hispanics/Chicanos and Native Americans in Science… Read MoreApr. 23, 2015
Senior Aditya Karhade named first Vanderbilt Young Alumni Leader
The Board of Trust has elected graduating senior Aditya V. Karhade as Vanderbilt’s first Young Alumni Leader. He will begin serving a three-year term on the Alumni Association Board July 1, 2015, and then join the Board of Trust July 1, 2018, for a two-year term. Aditya Karhade (Photo/Bosley Jarrett)… Read MoreApr. 17, 2015
‘Challenge’ puts technology transfer ingenuity on display
Members of the First Diagnostics team are, from left, Elizabeth Conrad, Michael Feldkamp, Ph.D., Hailey Verano, Samantha Sarett and, at far right, team leader Kelsey Beavers. Lawrence Marnett, Ph.D., and Md. Jashim Uddin, Ph.D., fifth and sixth from the right, developed the COX-2 inhibitor that could lead to a new… Read MoreApr. 16, 2015