Biomedical Engineering

  • Vanderbilt University

    Best-paying college majors are mostly in engineering: NACE

    Six engineering majors were among the 10 highest-paid at the bachelor’s-degree level in 2012, according to the January 2013 Salary Survey recently released by the National Association of Colleges and Employers. As a group, engineering majors saw a healthy increase of 3.9 percent to their average starting salaries. This is… Read More

    Feb. 4, 2013

  • Grissom selected as Frontiers in Bioengineering Workshop Young Investigator

    Grissom selected as Frontiers in Bioengineering Workshop Young Investigator

    William Grissom Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering William Grissom has been selected as one of the 2013 Frontiers in Bioengineering Workshop Young Investigators and will participate in the event Feb. 25-26 at Georgia Tech’s Parker H. Petit Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience. Frontiers is a two-day,… Read More

    Jan. 31, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    Medical robotics expert to discuss pediatric surgery advances

    Kevin Cleary Kevin Cleary, Ph.D., an expert in medical robotics at Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, D.C., will describe advances in pediatric surgery on Friday, Jan. 18, at the Vanderbilt University School of Engineering. His talk, entitled “Robotics, Navigation and Image Guidance for Minimally Invasive Pediatric Interventions,” will begin… Read More

    Jan. 14, 2013

  • Professor helps students conquer their fear of public speaking

    Professor helps students conquer their fear of public speaking

    Beyond explaining numbers and calculations, engineers are now expected to make formal oral presentations, run meetings and quickly pitch ideas to clients or colleagues. Many engineering students lack the communication skills they will need to succeed professionally and Julie Sharp, professor of the practice of technical communications, is working to… Read More

    Jan. 4, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    BME researchers look at novel therapeutic approach to prevent hardened heart valves

    Merryman Heart valve disease has few non-surgical therapeutic options. To develop strategies for treating and preventing heart valve disease, W. David Merryman, Ph.D., assistant professor of Biomedical Engineering, and colleagues are studying the cellular signaling that leads to calcification (hardening) of the aortic valve. Previous studies have shown that… Read More

    Dec. 28, 2012

  • Vanderbilt University

    Surgery and engineering initiative offers funds to develop interventional medical devices

    The treatment of many diseases and serious health conditions has changed dramatically over the past two decades due to the availability of new interventional medical devices designed to improve health or alter the course of disease. The explosive growth of coronary intervention procedures has been fueled by new devices such… Read More

    Dec. 5, 2012

  • Vanderbilt University

    Posters accepted until Dec. 1 for Surgery and Engineering Symposium

    The Vanderbilt Initiative in Surgery and Engineering (ViSE) and the Department of Surgery Research Collaborative will host the first Vanderbilt Surgery and Engineering Symposium from 3 to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 12, in Light Hall, Room 202. Reed Omary Reed Omary, professor and chair of… Read More

    Nov. 15, 2012

  • Vanderbilt University

    Task force aims to better integrate engineering school into local entrepreneurial community

    A newly formed Technology Entrepreneurship Task Force in the Vanderbilt School of Engineering aims to connect tech-savvy undergraduates who have entrepreneurial ambitions to local companies and business leaders to better integrate the school into the Nashville community and to help stimulate private-sector innovation and growth in the Middle Tennessee region. Read More

    Nov. 6, 2012

  • Vanderbilt University

    Giorgio named distinguished alumnus by Rice University bioengineering department

    Todd D. Giorgio has been named a 2012 Distinguished Bioengineering Alumnus by the department of bioengineering at Rice University in Houston, Texas. Giorgio earned a doctorate in chemical engineering from Rice in 1986. The department’s alumni awards honor excellence in research, teaching, service or significant contributions to academia, society or… Read More

    Nov. 2, 2012

  • Vanderbilt engineers featured in Wired article on product failure

    Vanderbilt engineers featured in Wired article on product failure

    Today’s manufacturing companies face a significant challenge as they work to balance the demands of the marketplace for better performing products against the need to bring new products to market faster, cheaper and with greater reliability than ever before. This month’s issue of Wired magazine features an article addressing this… Read More

    Oct. 31, 2012