Chemical And Biomolecular Engineering

  • Vanderbilt University

    Kidambi receives ECS-Toyota Young Investigator fellowship for fuel cell research

    Piran Kidambi, assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, is one of three recipients of an Electrochemical Society Toyota 2020-21 Young Investigator Fellowship awarded for projects in green energy technology. The fellowship is a partnership between the ECS and Toyota Research Institute of North America, a division of Toyota… Read More

    Jul. 3, 2020

  • Vanderbilt University

    Adams to lead TIPs-funded, soldier-inspired innovation hub

    Sanchez, Valentine awarded VU Discovery Grants A new innovation incubator will amplify existing collaborations among researchers and soldiers, building on Vanderbilt’s partnership agreement with Army Futures Command. The project, Soldier-Inspired Innovation Incubator for Discovering Research-Based Solutions, is one of six cross-disciplinary programs to be funded by Vanderbilt’s Trans-Institutional Programs (TIPs)… Read More

    Jun. 30, 2020

  • Vanderbilt University

    Engineering grad student shares how she handles stress during COVID-19

    How does a Vanderbilt chemical engineering graduate student navigate her world during a global pandemic? She keeps regular meetings, sets mini-deadlines for herself, and she cooks. Kazi Tasneem Kazi Tasneem, a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, is featured in a Society of Women Engineers short-form… Read More

    Jun. 25, 2020

  • Vanderbilt University

    Vanderbilt engineer leads effort to define the pathways for solid-state battery development

    By Marissa Shapiro As society moves toward a future of renewable energy around the world, a vision is emerging of safe, energy-dense batteries that will allow electric vehicles to travel longer distances on a single charge, as well as decentralized grids to store massive amounts of energy to power entire… Read More

    Jun. 22, 2020

  • Vanderbilt University

    Engineers advance insights on black phosphorus as a material for future ultra-low power flexible electronics

    Black phosphorus is a crystalline material that is attracting growing research interest from semiconductor device engineers, chemists and material scientists to create high-quality atomically thin films. From the perspective of a 2D layered material, black phosphorus shows promise for applications in next-generation flexible electronics that could enable advances in semiconductors,… Read More

    Jun. 16, 2020

  • Vanderbilt University

    Julianne Vernon named engineering school’s interim associate dean for academic success

    Julianne Vernon has been appointed interim associate dean for academic success in the Vanderbilt School of Engineering by Philippe Fauchet, Bruce and Bridgitt Evans Dean of Engineering. She fills a role previously held by William H. Robinson, who has been appointed the university’s vice provost for academic advancement and executive… Read More

    Jun. 4, 2020

  • Vanderbilt University

    Outstanding 2020 engineering graduates recognized

    Philippe Fauchet, Bruce and Bridgitt Evans Dean of Engineering, has announced 2020 awards and honors to seniors. A special recorded video also is available on the school’s Commencement website. Vanderbilt’s 2020 Commencement ceremonies and related events were postponed in March due to the COVID-19 global pandemic. The university… Read More

    May. 8, 2020

  • Vanderbilt University

    Engineering senior awarded Fulbright scholarship

    An engineering senior has been awarded funding to teach English through the prestigious Fulbright U.S. Student Program. A second engineering senior has been named an alternate. Fulbright awards provide funding to individuals to pursue graduate study, conduct research and teach English around the world. Aaron Niederman Aaron Niederman, an engineering… Read More

    Apr. 30, 2020

  • Vanderbilt University

    New COVID-19 Research and Innovation Fund engages community in Vanderbilt’s fight against coronavirus

    Vanderbilt University has established a new COVID-19 Research and Innovation Fund. The fund enables donations to support research and innovation projects to fight COVID-19. “Since the beginning of this global crisis, Vanderbilt University has been called upon to use our research capabilities to address urgent needs due… Read More

    Apr. 29, 2020

  • Vanderbilt University

    Team makes breakthrough in separation science with sub-Angstrom precision

    An international research team that includes Vanderbilt engineers is the first to successfully separate two ions with very, very small size differences, a major advancement in separation science with widespread potential application. The process is first to achieve solute-solute separation with sub-Angstrom precision. An Angstrom is one hundred-millionth of a… Read More

    Apr. 24, 2020