Chemical And Biomolecular Engineering

  • Vanderbilt University

    Engineering faculty on committees appointed to help with strategic planning

    Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos has appointed faculty to four steering committees and accompanying academic planning groups that will contribute to the campuswide strategic planning effort. More than 140 faculty will participate in this effort along with the 25-person Executive Committee that was appointed earlier this summer. Nineteen engineering faculty are… Read More

    Aug. 23, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    Guided by engineering faculty, high school students publish in research journal

    By Elizabeth Johnston Engineering faculty mentored nine of 22 high school students who published articles in the recently released third volume of Young Scientist, a research journal for students who have participated in research labs at Vanderbilt. Turner-Yovanovitch Zoe Turner-Yovanovitch explored a new method and device for… Read More

    Aug. 20, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    Size matters in nanocrystals’ ability to adsorb/release gases

    The technique, which was developed by Vanderbilt University Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Rizia Bardhan, is described in a paper published online Aug. 4 by the journal Nature Materials. In the last 30 years, there has been a tremendous amount of research studying nanocrystals – tiny crystals sized… Read More

    Aug. 6, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    Engineering shares Vanderbilt space at Nashville Entrepreneur Center

    Vanderbilt now has designated space at the Nashville Entrepreneur Center’s new downtown incubator at 41 Peabody Street in the city’s historic Rolling Mill Hill area. Dedicated Vanderbilt space at the EC. The VU@EC program was developed in conjunction with the School of Engineering and the Center for Technology Transfer &… Read More

    Jul. 10, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    School announces new department chairs, associate deans, five faculty appointments

    Adams The School of Engineering has announced the appointments of two department chairs, two associate deans, and five new faculty members. The appointments are effective July 1, 2013. Douglas Adams has been named Distinguished Professor and chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Adams comes to Vanderbilt from… Read More

    Jul. 1, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    Engineering’s Cummings receives Prausnitz Award

    Peter T. Cummings, John R. Hall Professor of Chemical Engineering, has been awarded the 2013 John M. Prausnitz Award by the Conference on Properties and Phase Equilibria for Product and Process Design. Peter Cummings The award, which was presented May 30 in Argentina at an Iryapu jungle conference center near… Read More

    Jun. 17, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    School bestows honors on 2013 graduating seniors

    Awards and honors were presented by Dean Philippe Fauchet May 9 to 36 seniors at the School of Engineering’s annual Commencement Reception. Northcutt Curtis George Northcutt, from Lexington, Ky., is the recipient of the 2013 Founder’s Medal for the School of Engineering. He is graduating with a bachelor of science… Read More

    May. 10, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    Second doctoral student secures NDSEG fellowship

    Courtney Mitchell, a graduate student in chemical engineering, is the second Vanderbilt engineering student in in three weeks to be awarded a 2013 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship through the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Awarded annually to only about 200 students who intend to pursue a… Read More

    May. 1, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    Engineering claims 6 of 10 best-paying master’s degrees

    Six of 10 best-paying master’s degrees are in engineering, according to an article published today on A master’s in electrical engineering is no. 1, edging out a master’s in finance. In the article, Katie Bardaro, lead analyst at, says many of the top-paying master’s degrees are in technical… Read More

    Apr. 22, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    Doctoral student Alexandra Leamy wins P.E.O. Scholar Award

    Alexandra Leamy, a Ph.D student in chemical and biomolecular engineering, is one of 85 doctoral students nationwide selected to receive a $15,000 Scholar Award from the P.E.O. Sisterhood. She was sponsored by Chapter EV in Cincinnati, Ohio. Alex Leamy Leamy’s research focus is type-2 diabetes and obesity, and she… Read More

    Apr. 22, 2013