General Engineering

  • Vanderbilt University

    Selingo: Make college a lifelong, diverse experience vs. four-year box

    From left, Professor Douglas Schmidt, Jeffrey Selingo, Roberta R. Schmidt and retired Navy Capt. Raymond P. Schmidt. (Photo courtesy Douglas Schmidt) Blockbuster had Netflix. Borders had Amazon. Tower Records had iTunes. And so traditional higher education is going to face innovators that challenge it to adapt… Read More

    Apr. 8, 2015

  • Vanderbilt University

    Vanderbilt E-Week promotes engineering for the fun of it

    A student tries her hand at building the perfect Nanoblimp for an aerial dogfight. (Joe Howell/Vanderbilt University) No, the Nanoblimp aerial dogfights didn’t impress at Vanderbilt Engineering Week, but they did lead to an important discovery when a blimp disappeared into the HVAC system. Put too much… Read More

    Mar. 2, 2015

  • Vanderbilt University

    VUSE Year in Review: 8 big accomplishments that made 2014 great

    Month after month in 2014, School of Engineering students, professors and alumni grabbed attention for earning grants and awards, opening new labs and businesses and winning competitions. It was tough, but we narrowed the countless accomplishments down to eight of our favorites. SOFTWARE INSTITUTE TAPPED FOR ‘INTERNET OF THINGS’ CONSORTIUM… Read More

    Dec. 29, 2014

  • Vanderbilt University

    Engineering students’ ideas take off after marathon 3 Day Startup session

    Xavier Ryan (BME'17), right, listens to other students' 3 Day Startup pitches after pitching his own. (Photo: Heidi Hall) On Friday afternoon, the five teams of students had a lot of amorphous ideas. By Sunday night, they had potential companies. That’s the idea behind 3 Day Startup,… Read More

    Nov. 17, 2014

  • Vanderbilt University

    Jumpstart Foundry’s Gatto enthralls crowd with stories of entrepreneurial heroes

      Vic Gatto, founder and CEO of Jumpstart Foundry in Nashville, addresses the crowd Tuesday at Jacobs Believed in Me Auditorium. (Photo: Steve Green/Vanderbilt University) If entrepreneurs want to convince anyone that their product is worthwhile, they have to tell a story, the inaugural Chambers Family… Read More

    Nov. 14, 2014

  • Vanderbilt University

    Entrepreneurship lecture series launches; Jumpstart Foundry CEO is inaugural speaker

    Venture capitalist Vic Gatto to speak about entrepreneurs as today’s heroes The Vanderbilt University School of Engineering announces the creation of the Chambers Family Entrepreneurial Lectureship. The semi-annual lecture series is endowed by the Chambers Medical Foundation. The intent of the lectureship is to encourage and invigorate entrepreneurial activity among… Read More

    Nov. 6, 2014

  • Vanderbilt University

    Eat your way through this year’s E-Day

    Undergrads can eat their way through this year’s Engineering Day, with a number of food-based contests that put their skills to use without feeling like another assignment, organizers said. Among the Thursday, Nov. 6, offerings is a contest to build the fastest car you can consume. Read More

    Oct. 30, 2014

  • Vanderbilt University

    Engineering undergrads, biomedical tour wow Board of Visitors crowd

    Biomedical engineering graduate student Kristin Poole demonstrates her work for a Board of Visitors tour. A packed agenda for a panel of Vanderbilt University School of Engineering advisers included several presentations from professors, small-group strategy sessions and a tour of biomedical engineering labs. But perhaps… Read More

    Oct. 10, 2014

  • Prize-winning rocket and demonstrations wowed audience at STEM festival

    Prize-winning rocket and demonstrations wowed audience at STEM festival

    Vanderbilt’s prize-winning rocket and fun hand-on demonstrations wowed kids and parents alike at the third annual USA Science and Engineering Festival April 25-27 in Washington, D.C. Admission to the gigantic expo, aimed at promoting STEM education, is free and officials estimated 325,000 people visited during… Read More

    May. 8, 2014

  • School to bestow honors on 2014 graduating seniors

    School to bestow honors on 2014 graduating seniors

    Awards and honors were presented by Dean Philippe Fauchet to seniors at the School of Engineering’s annual Commencement Reception at the University Club, May 8. Kasey Rebecca Hill, from Huntsville, Ala., is the recipient of the 2014 Founder’s Medal for the School of Engineering. She graduated with a bachelor of… Read More

    May. 5, 2014