Home Features
Engineering school recruits 11 new faculty members
The Vanderbilt University School of Engineering announces the appointment of 11 new members to its full-time teaching faculty. They are: Carlos Silvera Batista, assistant professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Joshua Caldwell, associate professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering Kelsey Hatzell, assistant professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering Piran Kidambi, assistant… Read MoreOct. 9, 2017
Engineering students, organizations, labs contribute to Maker Faire’s success
The Wond’ry hosted the 2017 Nashville Mini Maker Faire, which attracted more than 4,000 visitors. (Susan Urmy/Vanderbilt) The Nashville Mini Maker Faire, held for the first time at The Wond’ry, attracted more than 4,000 visitors and 93 exhibitors – a jump in attendance of more than 50 percent and double… Read MoreOct. 5, 2017
Anilkumar, adviser to four-time rocket launch champions, wins Chancellor’s Cup
School of Engineering Dean Philippe Fauchet, left, looks on as Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos, center, surprises Amrutur Anilkumar, professor of the practice of aerospace and mechanical engineering, with the 2017 Chancellor’s Cup. (Anne Rayner/Vanderbilt) Amrutur “A.V.” Anilkumar stopped mid-sentence in his fluid mechanics class, as Vanderbilt’s chancellor entered his Featheringill Hall… Read MoreOct. 4, 2017
Cynthia Reinhart-King named Biomedical Engineering Society Fellow
Cynthia Reinhart-King, Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Engineering and professor of biomedical engineering, is a member of the 2017 Class of Fellows of the Biomedical Engineering Society. The BMES is the premier society for biomedical engineering and bioengineering professionals with more than 7,000 members. This year’s class includes 20 members nominated… Read MoreSep. 27, 2017
Wiernicki recognized by Massachusetts academy for maritime industry service
Christopher J. Wiernicki, one of the newest members of the School of Engineering Academy of Distinguished Alumni and chairman, president and CEO of ABS, has added another honor to a long list of achievements. He received the Maritime Person of the Year Award from the Massachusetts Maritime Academy on September… Read MoreSep. 26, 2017
New tissue-chip research to assess efficacy of novel epilepsy drugs
NeuroVascular Unit and its perfusion controller, left, and the cardiac I-Wire system, right. (VIIBRE / Vanderbilt) An interdisciplinary team of Vanderbilt University researchers led by John Wikswo, A.B. Learned Professor of Living State Physics and Gordon A. Cain University Professor, has received a two-year, $2 million federal grant to develop an “organ-on-chip”… Read MoreSep. 22, 2017
New Career Fair venue, casual company pitches a slamming success
The ubiquitous “elevator pitch” is a standard rite of career advancement. Whether or not it takes place in an elevator, job candidates are told they must be able to describe their awesomeness in two minutes or less. The Vanderbilt Career Center this year turned the tables on the recruiters. The… Read MoreSep. 21, 2017
Lineup of ‘maker’ events connects needs with solutions
In the Wond’ry makerspace Kevin Galloway, center, the new Design as an Immersive Vanderbilt Experience director, helps students with a project. (Vanderbilt University/Daniel Dubois) Vanderbilt University is embarking on a series of events demonstrating its commitment to connecting need knowers with solution makers. Kevin Galloway, hired last year as the… Read MoreSep. 18, 2017
Summer research cements interest, opens options for undergraduates
How did you spend your summer? Anna Wolfe, a BME senior, designed a point-of-care test for a thyroid stimulating hormone. More than 60 engineering undergraduates have quite detailed answers to that standard question, though their answers are anything but routine. They worked for 10 weeks under the direction of faculty… Read MoreSep. 18, 2017
Nation’s most senior African-American female roboticist in higher ed to deliver Chambers Lecture Sept. 25
As one of the nation’s most recognized female roboticists, Ayanna Howard has designed SnoMote robots to study the impact of global warming on Antarctic ice shelves and created artificial intelligence-powered STEM apps to teach children with autism how to play Angry Birds. Ayanna Howard She has overseen nearly 50 projects… Read MoreSep. 15, 2017