Home Features
NROTC’s Lassen balances military training, challenging mechanical engineering major
MIDN Renee Lassen (submitted photo) Renee Lassen’s mechanical engineering major demands that she spend hours a day at computers, designing systems and writing code to make those work. But to keep her jam-packed schedule in order, she swears by something positively quaint – a thick, pink paisley… Read MoreFeb. 17, 2016
Wilson is ‘A’ Award grant recipient for neuroblastoma immunotherapy work
John Wilson, assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, earned an Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation 'A' Award. (John Russell/Vanderbilt University) John Wilson, assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, recently was named an ‘A’ Award recipient by the Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation for developing a new class of therapeutic… Read MoreFeb. 17, 2016
E-Week: The Workforce Awakens aims to interest all majors, focus on careers
The nanoblimp station at last year's Vanderbilt University School of Engineering E-Week. (Vanderbilt University) Engineers Week planners said they looked for events that are interesting, interactive and span all the majors. Nailed it. Activities range from the quirky (building Rube Goldberg machines) to the challenging (solving coding… Read MoreFeb. 15, 2016
Vanderbilt CubeSat data collected by ham radio operators worldwide
Building a program of reliable CubeSats; doing real science at a fraction of the cost A tiny space hitchhiker named AO-85 is talking and thousands of ham radio operators worldwide and a handful of Vanderbilt University engineering researchers with the special interest of proud parents… Read MoreFeb. 12, 2016
LeBoeuf called to active duty as Army University’s vice provost of academic affairs
Brigadier General and civil engineering professor Eugene J. LeBoeuf has been called to active duty in the U.S. Army to serve as vice provost of academic affairs for Army University and Deputy Commanding General for Reserve Affairs for the U.S. Army Combined Arms Center for one… Read MoreFeb. 11, 2016
Vanderbilt engineers drive Teslas, take lessons for futuristic transportation infrastructure
Lori Troxel, associate professor of the practice, center, poses with a demonstration Tesla and some of her Cities of the Future seminar students. (Heidi Hall/Vanderbilt University) A chance meeting between a Vanderbilt University civil engineering professor and a Tesla product specialist resulted in students getting a closer… Read MoreFeb. 8, 2016
From oil fields to council chambers: Vanderbilt engineer uses background for change
Dana Brown Gutwein (BE'06) in a presentation about Lakewood, Colorado's Sustainable Neighborhoods Network. (Vanderbilt University/Heidi Hall) Dana Brown Gutwein’s career started in the oil fields of California, pump jacks as far as the eye could see, running tests all day and sleeping in her truck at night. Read MoreFeb. 4, 2016
Successful entrepreneur and innovator chosen to lead new Innovation Center
Robert Grajewski A startup veteran whose ventures range from retail to manufacturing will be joining Vanderbilt University this spring as the inaugural executive director of the newly created Innovation Center. Robert Grajewski, president of Edison Nation Medical and co-founder of Heritage Handcrafted, both in Charlotte,… Read MoreFeb. 1, 2016
Vanderbilt engineering PhD disrupts wearables market with biosensing through metal
Fashion icon Iris Apfel, left, and Vanderbilt Engineering PhD and WiseWear founder Jerry Wilmink. (Photos courtesy of WiseWear) Put Wisewear on your wrist, and other women likely will think it’s simply a fabulous piece of jewelry. For now. After wowing 2016 Consumer Electronics Show… Read MoreJan. 30, 2016
High-tech teddy bear creator to deliver engineering entrepreneurial lecture Feb. 25
Jerry the Bear helps kids understand diabetes and self-care https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNr0ASnxQ6k Jerry the Bear helps hundreds of kids diagnosed with type 1 diabetes learn to take care of themselves. Jerry has sensors throughout his body and a screen in his belly. Kids can “feed” him different foods, squeeze his fingers to… Read MoreJan. 28, 2016