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Alum Q&A: OptioLabs’ director of research talks software, Vandy life, fun office space
Hamilton Turner, BE'10, right, speaks with potential interns and employees at September's Engineering & IT Industry Career Day. (John Russell/Vanderbilt University) Hamilton Turner didn’t require much assistance while recruiting at the fall Engineering & IT Industry Career Day – the 2010 computer engineering alumnus knows his way… Read MoreOct. 8, 2015
VandyHacks draws from across Southeast for fun, sleep-deprived weekend of invention
First-place Vandy Hacks winners, from left, were Vanderbilt computer science seniors Jason Mayer and Jonathan Clinton and computer engineering senior Zeke Tan. Not pictured is computer science senior Mark Schott. (Heidi Hall/Vanderbilt University) Three sleep-rumpled hackers had an entire room of Rand Dining Hall… Read MoreOct. 4, 2015
Girl Scout visit to Vanderbilt on Saturday boosts engineering as career option
Two Girl Scouts enjoy success at the mini roller coaster design station, teaching them mechanical engineering. (Heidi Hall/Vanderbilt University) Thirty-nine Girl Scouts from around the Nashville area collected Engineering Day patches on Saturday at Vanderbilt University School of Engineering. The inaugural event featured seven stations that covered… Read MoreOct. 4, 2015
Nearly 300 college students team up for weekend of hacking Oct. 2-4 at Vanderbilt
Nearly 300 college students from Vanderbilt and Purdue universities, the Atlanta area and North Carolina’s Research Triangle Park will work around the clock during VandyHacks, a hackathon, or invention marathon, beginning Friday evening on Oct. 2 and ending Sunday, Oct. 4. Students registered to participate in the private event… Read MoreOct. 1, 2015
VenoStent, PinPtr edge closer to market with boost from $200K AIR-TT grants
Akos Ledeczi and Will Hedgecock, who developed PinPtr. (John Russell/Vanderbilt University) Two innovative but very different products designed by Vanderbilt University engineers are getting a financial push onto the market, thanks to National Science Foundation Accelerating Innovation Research–Technology Translation (AIR-TT) grants of about $200,000 each. VenoStent is… Read MoreSep. 30, 2015
Fourth environmental engineering professor is certified by U.S. academy
Mark Abkowitz is the fourth Vanderbilt environmental engineering faculty member in three years to be accepted into the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists as a board certified environmental engineering member. Abkowitz Abkowitz, a professor of civil and environmental engineering, professor of engineering management, and director of the… Read MoreSep. 29, 2015
Corvettes rev hands-on approach to automotive engineering at GM Ride & Drive
By the end of the five-hour GM Ride & Drive event, 220 registered drivers had taken 693 total test drives. Three gleaming, new Corvette convertibles – Torch Red, Arctic White and Laguna Blue – are in a nose-to-tail line at 10 a.m. on a sunny Friday waiting for Vanderbilt… Read MoreSep. 28, 2015
Recruiter explains packed VU engineering career day: ‘We go where the talent is’
Students navigated bustling aisles at Thursday's Engineering & IT Industry Career Day. (John Russell/Vanderbilt) It was no mistake that undergraduates striding through Thursday’s Engineering & IT Industry Career Day looked purposeful and professional, cradling stacks of resumes and glancing at smartphones to find their destinations. The event… Read MoreSep. 25, 2015
Student last year, recruiter this year: Halma job gives Trout opportunity for globetrotting
Tori Trout, BE'15, stands next to the Halma sign discussing job opportunities at Engineering & IT Industry Career Day. (John Russell/Vanderbilt University) Tori Trout smiled and chatted persistently, hour after hour, as hundreds of young engineering students lined up to listen to her pitch for working… Read MoreSep. 25, 2015
New polarized light detector opens door for optical communications, quantum computing
Invention of the first integrated circularly polarized light detector on a silicon chip opens the door for development of small, portable sensors that could expand the use of polarized light for drug screening, surveillance, optical communications and quantum computing, among other potential applications. The new detector was developed by a… Read MoreSep. 22, 2015