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Engineers, designers show off creativity at Make-a-Thon
A velcro-clad Motorola van full of the latest prototyping tools was parked outside of Featheringill Hall for the Make-a-Thon Aug. 2-4. (Anne Rayner/Vanderbilt) Vanderbilt’s Featheringill Hall was the site of a three-day Make-a-Thon sponsored by Motorola and hosted by the Vanderbilt… Read MoreAug. 7, 2013
Vanderbilt engineering grad student wins NASA fellowship
Vanderbilt graduate student Electa Baker is one 65 individuals that NASA has selected for its 2013 class of Space Technology Research Fellows. Electa Baker (John Russell / Vanderbilt) The fellowship will enable Baker to create new visualization methods that allow robot operators to assess the large… Read MoreAug. 5, 2013
Nautilus: Team’s tiny robot called medical science ‘breakthrough’
Experimental setup of the IREP, a robotic surgical tool created by engineers and surgeons at Vanderbilt and Columbia. A miniscule robotic surgical tool created by engineers and surgeons at Vanderbilt University and Columbia University is singled out by Nautilus science magazine with four other remarkable developments as… Read MoreAug. 2, 2013
Engineering’s Cummings receives Prausnitz Award
Peter T. Cummings, John R. Hall Professor of Chemical Engineering, has been awarded the 2013 John M. Prausnitz Award by the Conference on Properties and Phase Equilibria for Product and Process Design. Peter Cummings The award, which was presented May 30 in Argentina at an Iryapu jungle conference center near… Read MoreJun. 17, 2013
Genetics may have played a role in student’s cancer research grant award
In July, Alex Walsh will step up to a podium in Saarbrucken, Germany and deliver a talk on optical metabolic imaging at an international workshop on Advanced Multiphoton and Fluorescence Lifetime Techniques. It’s her prize for winning this year’s JenLab Young Investigator Award – one of several… Read MoreJun. 14, 2013
Fauchet has role in “Research Universities and the Future of America” meeting at Vanderbilt
Research Council report Leaders to discuss role of research universities and nation’s future at Vanderbilt meeting. Read MoreJan. 9, 2013
Entrepreneur Studio will immerse students in startup culture
A startup culture Select students will see firsthand how local entrepreneurs unleash their startups' potential. Read MoreNov. 12, 2012