Mechanical Engineering
NSF I-Corps program gives boost to commercializing prosthetic ankle
The first team to finish the National Science Foundation’s National Innovation Corps program from Vanderbilt University’s new I-Corps site is planning to take its smart prosthetic ankle to market. Michael Goldfarb, H. Fort Flowers Professor of Mechanical Engineering and director of the Center for Intelligent Mechatronics,… Read MoreJul. 9, 2018
Oak Ridge and Vanderbilt come together to explore cellular processes
Vice Provost for Research Padma Raghavan Vanderbilt University and Oak Ridge National Laboratory are combining their expertise in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and computation to explore transformative, interdisciplinary ways to study complex cellular processes to tackle some of the most pressing… Read MoreJul. 6, 2018
CREATE labs recognized for impact of National Biomechanics Day event
Mechanical engineering PhD student Erik Lamers, center, demonstrates a low-profile ‘super-suit’ that helps prevent back pain by offloading stress on the lower back – one of a dozen demonstrations set up for National Biomechanics Day. For the second year, the School of Engineering’s biomechanics and assistive rehabilitation labs have received… Read MoreJun. 28, 2018
Smart prosthetic ankle moves with user over rough terrain
It’s virtually impossible to know Mike Sasser’s left leg is a prosthetic one – after a decade of practice, he moves surely and swiftly through his busy days as a consultant and father. But when Sasser encounters uneven ground or a flight of stairs, he focuses very hard on balance,… Read MoreJun. 26, 2018
Six engineering proposals win 2018 Discovery Grant funding
Six engineering faculty proposals have been recognized by the Office of the Provost with Discovery Grants, one of Vanderbilt’s primary investments to advance discovery in core disciplines and strengthen the university’s overall scholarly profile. By supporting new ideas, cutting-edge research and infrastructure development, Discovery Grants are designed to serve… Read MoreJun. 13, 2018
Two engineering grads are 2018 alumni honorees
Two engineering graduates are recipients of 2018 alumni awards. Kimberly Bryant, electrical engineering, BE’89, and Krista Donaldson, mechanical engineering, BE’95, will be honored by the Vanderbilt Alumni Association Oct. 11 during Reunion/Homecoming weekend. “The honorees include alumni who are recognized around the world for their professional achievements, their services to… Read MoreJun. 5, 2018
New TIPs efforts in geospatial research and heritage preservation tap engineering faculty
Engineering faculty members will play key roles in two new university-wide interdisciplinary initiatives as well as help develop a Vanderbilt University institute of data science. The efforts are among the newest round of grants made through the $50 million Trans-Institutional Programs initiative, now in its fourth year. In all,… Read MoreMay. 30, 2018
Sarkar named chair of mechanical engineering department
Nilanjan Sarkar has been named chair of the mechanical engineering department at Vanderbilt University. Nilanjan Sarkar Sarkar is a professor of mechanical engineering and computer engineering. He is recognized as an expert in robotics, including developing robotic and computer technology that can aid individuals with disabilities. Sarkar succeeds Professor Robert… Read MoreMay. 30, 2018
New method to fashion cheap, small carbon nanotubes ‘could change the world,’ Pint says
Imagine a box you plug into the wall that cleans your toxic air and pays you cash. That’s essentially what Vanderbilt University researchers produced after discovering the blueprint for turning the carbon dioxide into the most valuable material ever sold – carbon nanotubes with small diameters. Carbon nanotubes are supermaterials… Read MoreMay. 24, 2018
Vanderbilt wins NASA rocketry championship for fifth time
Vanderbilt rocketry team at NASA Student Launch in Toney, Alabama, on Sunday April 8, 2018, before liftoff of their rocket Senor Cohete: L-R, Sara Tsai, Tristan Gilbert, Xavier Williams, Conner Morency, Kurt Lezon, Alex Byrd, Spencer Kallor, William Pagano, Taylor Parra, Peyton Fite, Dominic Ghilardi, Daniel Schneller, Ben Gasser, Katie… Read MoreMay. 11, 2018