Mechanical Engineering
Vanderbilt-designed exoskeleton wins gold at Medical Design Excellence Awards
Parker Hannifin Corporation received a gold award in the Rehabilitation and Assistive Device category for its Vanderbilt-designed Indego® exoskeleton at the 2016 Medical Design Excellence Awards ceremony June 14 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City. Person wearing an Indego exoskeleton (Courtesy… Read MoreJul. 13, 2016
WSJ names Vanderbilt engineer’s surgical robot one of six technologies worth watching
A surgical robot with a tiny mechanical wrist developed by team of engineers and doctors at Vanderbilt University’s Medical Engineering and Discovery Laboratory was named in June by the Wall Street Journal as one of six new medical technologies worth watching. Read MoreJul. 11, 2016
Scholarship program seeks STEM majors who want to teach
Many STEM undergraduates want to pursue teaching. The Noyce Scholarship can help in a big way. Undergraduate students majoring in science, math or engineering subjects have the opportunity to make a difference in high-needs secondary schools while earning teaching licensure and a master’s degree from… Read MoreJul. 8, 2016
New VISE grant gives clinical boost to surgical device development
From left, Hernan Gonzalez, Jon Heiselman and Patrick Anderson. Not pictured, Megan Poorman. (Heidi Hall/Vanderbilt University) Engineering graduate students from across several disciplines will experience intensive training and mentoring with the potential to help them create devices, then get those out of the lab… Read MoreJun. 20, 2016
Inaugural run to honor alum killed in accident draws faculty, students, fellow alumni
From left, Caleb Huber (BE'13), Associate Dean Cynthia Paschal, Kyle Langford (BME'17), Bryan Langford and Janice Langford at Justin's Run 4 Hope. (Photos courtesy of Cynthia Paschal) Justin Langford was a mechanical engineer with a passion for music and a compulsion to help people in need. He chose Vanderbilt University, his father said, because he… Read MoreMay. 17, 2016
Student rocketeers win fourth national championship in a row
Vanderbilt student rocketeers have won NASA’s Orbital-ATK University Student Launch competition for the fourth year in a row. They had to beat out 40 other university teams in the yearlong national competition in order to achieve this “four-peat.” NASA announced the results of the competition… Read MoreMay. 13, 2016
Dean presents 2015-2016 faculty, staff and student research awards
Dean Philippe Fauchet announced May 10 the promotions of seven engineering faculty members at the final faculty meeting of the 2015-2016 academic year and presented four awards at a reception following the meeting. Four faculty members have been promoted to the rank of professor with tenure:… Read MoreMay. 10, 2016
School to present 2016 senior honors May 12
Awards and honors will be presented by Dean Philippe Fauchet to seniors at the School of Engineering’s annual Commencement Reception at the University Club May 12. Founder's Medal recipient Julie Schnur and Banner Bearer Justin Paul Julie Anne Schnur, from St. Louis, Missouri, is the recipient of the 2016… Read MoreMay. 9, 2016
School of Engineering offers three new graduate certificate programs
The School of Engineering is offering three new certificate programs available to enrolled Vanderbilt graduate students. Two graduate certificate programs – Mobile Cloud Computing and Surgery and Interventional Engineering – will be offered starting in the fall semester 2016. A graduate certificate program in… Read MoreMay. 3, 2016
More projects, new Design Day site draw record crowd
A combination of a record number of design projects and relocation to the university’s Student Life Center ballroom sparked a rise in visitors to the School of Engineering’s annual Design Day. A crowd of about 400 visitors packed the expanded SLC ballroom causing a din that required leaning in to… Read MoreApr. 27, 2016