40 Under 40 honoree: ‘Things that make me successful are what I learned between classes’
Andrea Yanicky Andrea Yanicky arrived at InfoWorks in 2002 with the ink barely dry on her Vanderbilt University engineering science degree, ready to start her business consulting gig at the then 20-person firm. But by the time she arrived, her gig wasn’t open. Instead,… Read MoreMar. 1, 2016
Glencliff High sweeps ASCE bridge competition in 7 out of last 8 years
From left, Vanderbilt University School of Engineering's Janey Camp; Christian Mejia, third place; Ivan Estrada, second place; Si Thu Min, first place; Glencliff High engineering teacher Edward Dunning; ASCE Nashville chapter's Tony Snyder. (Heidi Hall/Vanderbilt University) There’s not a lot of drama reflected in little plaques adorning… Read MoreMar. 1, 2016
School launches Emerging Scholars in Engineering Lecture series
The Vanderbilt School of Engineering is launching a new lecture series Feb. 29 that will showcase young engineering talent. Fauchet The intent of the Emerging Scholars in Engineering Lecture series is to showcase young people from underrepresented groups who are nearing completion or who have completed a doctoral degree. “The… Read MoreFeb. 24, 2016
Adams earns Lazan Award for pioneering structural health monitoring technology
Douglas Adams, Daniel F. Flowers Professor and Distinguished Professor and chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, is the recipient of the 2016 B. J. Lazan Award from the Society for Experimental Mechanics. Adams will accept the award in June at SEM’s International Congress in Orlando, Florida. Adams… Read MoreFeb. 24, 2016
Zelik named NIH Career Development Award Winner; earns grant, mentorship
Karl Zelik, assistant professor of mechanical and biomedical engineering and physical medicine and rehabilitation, right, discusses research with graduate students. (Vanderbilt University) Assistant Professor Karl Zelik is one of three National Institutes of Health K12 Career Development Award winners for 2016 who will be participating in the… Read MoreFeb. 23, 2016
Abkowitz earns Hochman Lifetime Achievement Award from TRB
Professor Mark Abkowitz, center, collects his award. (Photo courtesy of Janey Camp) Mark Abkowitz, a Vanderbilt University professor of civil and environmental engineering and director of the Vanderbilt Center for Environmental Management Studies, recently won the Charles H. Hochman Lifetime Achievement Award from the Transportation Research Board… Read MoreFeb. 23, 2016
Engineering major on NCAA Championship tennis team offers advice for sport, life
Maggie Leavell collects her 2015 NCAA Women's Tennis Championship ring from David Williams, vice chancellor for athletics and university affairs. (Vanderbilt University) Maggie Leavell started at Vanderbilt University as a tennis player on an underdog team, going into every match with something to prove. Today, she’s on… Read MoreFeb. 18, 2016
NROTC’s Lassen balances military training, challenging mechanical engineering major
MIDN Renee Lassen (submitted photo) Renee Lassen’s mechanical engineering major demands that she spend hours a day at computers, designing systems and writing code to make those work. But to keep her jam-packed schedule in order, she swears by something positively quaint – a thick, pink paisley… Read MoreFeb. 17, 2016
Wilson is ‘A’ Award grant recipient for neuroblastoma immunotherapy work
John Wilson, assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, earned an Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation 'A' Award. (John Russell/Vanderbilt University) John Wilson, assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, recently was named an ‘A’ Award recipient by the Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation for developing a new class of therapeutic… Read MoreFeb. 17, 2016
School recognizes students in athletics, Army and Navy ROTC
About 50 engineering students who find time to play SEC varsity sports or participate in Army and Navy ROTC programs were recognized recently by Dean Philippe Fauchet at a dinner in their honor. When a former trial lawyer with the United State Department of Justice and the first African American… Read MoreFeb. 16, 2016