
  • Vanderbilt University

    Q&A: Air Force general, astronaut Kevin Chilton was almost neither

    Kevin P. Chilton remembers his parents shaking him awake in May 1961 and plopping him in front of the television to watch Alan Shepard become the first American in space. So the optimal version of his story would continue with him instantly falling in love with the idea of space… Read More

    Oct. 9, 2014

  • PayScale 2014-2015 survey

    Survey says Vanderbilt ranks No. 8 in highest-earning engineering graduates

    Vanderbilt University’s School of Engineering ranks No. 8 on a list of schools that produce the highest-earning engineering graduates, according to a new report from the salary website Vanderbilt engineering graduates’ early career salary is listed as $64,400, while graduates typically go on to… Read More

    Oct. 8, 2014

  • Vanderbilt University

    Future engineer, competitive skater sees science behind his sport’s art

    Vanderbilt engineering and physics major Kenneth Anderson with pairs partner Linde LaChance (Credit: Judah Sklan)   Watch Kenneth Anderson gliding across the ice – executing perfectly timed jumps and deftly lifting his pairs partner – and his artistry and athleticism become apparent. But what often sneaks into Anderson’s… Read More

    Oct. 7, 2014

  • Vanderbilt University

    New device will allow brain surgery through cheek, helping people with epilepsy

    Ph.D. candidate David Comber, left, and Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Eric Barth For those most severely affected, treating epilepsy can mean drilling into the skull – invasive, dangerous and with a long recovery period. But a team based at Vanderbilt University School of Engineering wondered: What… Read More

    Oct. 1, 2014

  • Vanderbilt University

    Two notable educators join Vanderbilt Engineering School’s Board of Visitors

    Jim Conwell Two notable educators – Jim Conwell and Jay Walsh – will join the School of Engineering’s Board of Visitors at its fall meeting on campus Friday, Oct. 10. The 35-member board is comprised of distinguished alumni and friends of the school who… Read More

    Sep. 30, 2014

  • Vanderbilt University

    ‘Queen of Carbon’ Mildred Dresselhaus graces VINSE Colloquium Series

    Acclaimed MIT Professor of Physics and Electrical Engineering, Emerita, Mildred Dresselhaus, whose decades of research earned her the nickname Queen of Carbon, will explain at the next VINSE Colloquium how placing molecules on a graphene substrate enhances their Raman spectral signal. Read More

    Sep. 29, 2014

  • MuMS building

    New facility devoted to multiscale modeling opens on Music Row

    Vanderbilt University School of Engineering has established a unique research facility focusing on Multiscale Modeling and Simulation. MuMS is home to four faculty members and their research groups. An Open House and inaugural MuMS Seminar Oct. 9 will celebrate the recent creation of the space located… Read More

    Sep. 26, 2014

  • Will Grissom

    Will Grissom makes problem-solving nerds look cool

    Will Grissom is an assistant professor in biomedical engineering, radiology, and electrical engineering. This video was produced by Vanderbilt Center for Technology Transfer and Commercialization. “I live for the problems we get to solve,” says Will Grissom, assistant professor of biomedical engineering, radiology and electrical engineering. The problems Grissom… Read More

    Sep. 25, 2014

  • Vanderbilt University

    Blast signals excavation at site of new Engineering and Science Building

    Engineering Dean Philippe Fauchet ceremoniously signals the beginning of excavation at the site of the new Engineering and Science Building with a 3-2-1 countdown to the blast foreman. The university marked a milestone September 17 when blasting began at the construction site for its new seven-story 230,000-square-foot Engineering and Science… Read More

    Sep. 25, 2014

  • Vanderbilt University

    Engineering & IT Career Day draws record crowd with good prep, plentiful options

    Daniel Anastos (ES'16), left, listens to a pitch from Nissan North America recruiter Daphne Smith. A record-breaking crowd of Vanderbilt University engineering students squeezed through row after row of eager recruiters Tuesday, both sides working to be heard over the excited buzz of people planning futures. The… Read More

    Sep. 24, 2014