
  • Vanderbilt University

    Three junior faculty to be recognized at Celebration of Teaching event

    Landman Three engineering faculty members will be honored for their achievements as 2012-2013 Junior Faculty Teaching Fellows May 3 at the annual Celebration of Teaching event sponsored by the Center for Teaching and the Graduate School. The 2013 event has been expanded to include a variety of panels and presentations… Read More

    Apr. 29, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    New computer speeds clinical data collection

    Software engineer Jay Cowan with the new computer, called a data warehouse appliance, that is helping Vanderbilt scientists more quickly search, filter, analyze and annotate the de-identified medical records of approximately 2 million patients. (photo by Joe Howell) Tucked in a data center in the… Read More

    Apr. 26, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    Music helps put mechanical engineering student’s brain ‘in balance’

    Marince Near the end of his freshman year in 2011, mechanical engineering student Christopher Marince was feeling the stress of working on a dual major in Vanderbilt University’s Accelerated Graduate Program. Now he’d expected the strain of an academic workload, but there was something else bothering him. “I felt frustrated… Read More

    Apr. 26, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    Tracking gunfire with a smartphone

    Vanderbilt computer scientists have developed a smartphone-based system for identifying the location where gunshots are fired. (Courtesy of ISIS) You are walking down the street with a friend. A shot is fired. The two of you duck behind the nearest cover and you pull out your smartphone. A map of… Read More

    Apr. 25, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    New Owen School dean is an engineer

    M. Eric Johnson won’t start his new job as dean of Vanderbilt’s Owen Graduate School of Management until July 1, but he’s already working on some ideas for the school and considering what he wants to accomplish during his tenure, Businessweek reported in a April 23 article. First, he plans… Read More

    Apr. 24, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    Engineering claims 6 of 10 best-paying master’s degrees

    Six of 10 best-paying master’s degrees are in engineering, according to an article published today on A master’s in electrical engineering is no. 1, edging out a master’s in finance. In the article, Katie Bardaro, lead analyst at, says many of the top-paying master’s degrees are in technical… Read More

    Apr. 22, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    Doctoral student Alexandra Leamy wins P.E.O. Scholar Award

    Alexandra Leamy, a Ph.D student in chemical and biomolecular engineering, is one of 85 doctoral students nationwide selected to receive a $15,000 Scholar Award from the P.E.O. Sisterhood. She was sponsored by Chapter EV in Cincinnati, Ohio. Alex Leamy Leamy’s research focus is type-2 diabetes and obesity, and she… Read More

    Apr. 22, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    Fisher named faculty director of new residential College Hall

    As Moore and Warren Colleges takes shape at the corner of West End and 21st avenues, Vanderbilt University Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Richard McCarty has named two award-winning faculty members to lead the new residential colleges that are part of the College Halls at Vanderbilt system. Read More

    Apr. 22, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    Team’s payload design tops fourth consecutive year at NASA rocket contest

    L-R, A. Voss, B. Dimmig, J. Langford, J. Lee, D. Watkins, B. Smethills, F. Corradetti, R. Thompson, F. Folz, and M. Mitchell with the Vanderbilt Rocket ‘Hello Good Bio’ that flew the bio-hybrid fueled ramjet engine today at the NASA competition. A biohybrid fueled ramjet engine design paid off as… Read More

    Apr. 21, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    Commencement faculty seminar, School reception May 9

    Weiss Sharon Weiss is one of four Vanderbilt faculty members who will discuss their research in seminars open to graduates, families and guests as part of the university’s Commencement Week activities May 8-10. Weiss is an associate professor of electrical engineering and her research is primarily focused on the interaction… Read More

    Apr. 19, 2013