
  • Vanderbilt University

    Fauchet attends public policy colloquium, visits Capitol lawmakers

    While the nation buzzed in anticipation of the State of The Union address Feb. 12, engineering deans from across the country came to Washington D.C. for the annual American Society of Engineering Education public policy colloquium Feb. 12-13. Dean Philippe Fauchet attended the annual ASEE public policy colloquium and met… Read More

    Feb. 15, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    Vanderbilt researchers, students part of inaugural SEC symposium on renewable energy

    Engineering students (L-R) Francene Corradetti, Justin Langford, Ryan Thompson, Dexter Watkins and Brock Smethills discuss their design of a biohybrid-fueled ramjet engine with Provost Richard McCarty at Vanderbilt's SEC showcase booth. Two Vanderbilt professors were chosen among energy experts from the Southeastern Conference’s 14 universities, industry and government to address… Read More

    Feb. 13, 2013

  • Career Day connects employers and Vanderbilt’s top talent

    Career Day connects employers and Vanderbilt’s top talent

    First-year through Ph.D. students attended today’s Engineering and Information Technology Industry Career Day in the Student Life Center ballrooms. Job seekers and students searching for internships networked with nearly 40 companies from across the nation. The fair is hosted by the Center for Student Professional Development (formerly… Read More

    Feb. 12, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    Geeks and Nerds Corp. earns a US Chamber small business award

    Geeks and Nerds (GaN) Corporation started by Jonn Kim (Ph.D.’99) has been chosen as one of 100 award winners representing the best in American small business. GaN Corporation, whose headquarters is in Huntsville, Ala., will receive a 2013 Blue Ribbon Small Business of the Year Award from the… Read More

    Feb. 12, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    Robert Bayuzick, chemical engineer who had experiments on space shuttle, dies

    Robert Bayuzick, who had experiments conducted on three separate flights of the space shuttle Columbia while he was a professor of chemical engineering and director of materials science at Vanderbilt University, died Feb. 8, 2013, in Nashville. He was 75. Robert Bayuzick Bayuzick’s research was directed toward materials processing under… Read More

    Feb. 11, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    Siegel kids look to get jolt out of project

    How can you squeeze electricity from a blackberry? A group of Siegel High students will be among those able to answer the question after making solar cells out of blackberry juice and measuring the electrical power produced as part of an educational outreach program sponsored by the Vanderbilt Institute of… Read More

    Feb. 11, 2013

  • Fisher leads workshop on multidisciplinary research for online education

    Fisher leads workshop on multidisciplinary research for online education

    Doug Fisher, associate professor of computer science and of computer engineering, will co-chair a workshop Feb. 11-12 in Washington, D.C. to explore and delineate computer science and multidisciplinary research agendas designed to improve formal and informal education. Doug Fisher A recent explosion of public and academic interest in online… Read More

    Feb. 11, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    Ninjaneers, Rube Goldberg competition highlight 2013 E-Week activities

    Engineering students at Vanderbilt University will showcase their ingenuity through a series of challenging – but fun – competitions and events held during National Engineers Week February 18-22. In addition to spotlighting the engineering profession, the competitions and activities are designed to interest students in engineering and scientific fields. E-Week… Read More

    Feb. 8, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    Mitchell to lead national organization focused on minority engineering enrollment

    A Vanderbilt School of Engineering dean will become president-elect of the National Association of Minority Engineering Program Advocates at the organization’s annual conference Feb. 6-9 at Purdue University. Burgess Mitchell Burgess Mitchell, assistant dean for student services, was elected to the two-year term Feb. 1. In 2015 he will begin… Read More

    Feb. 4, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    Best-paying college majors are mostly in engineering: NACE

    Six engineering majors were among the 10 highest-paid at the bachelor’s-degree level in 2012, according to the January 2013 Salary Survey recently released by the National Association of Colleges and Employers. As a group, engineering majors saw a healthy increase of 3.9 percent to their average starting salaries. This is… Read More

    Feb. 4, 2013