EECS graduate student receives top award for paper presented at AIAA conference
Doctoral candidate Chetan S. Kulkarni, electrical engineering and computer science department, received the “Best Student Paper Award” at an American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) conference June 19-21 in Garden Grove, Calif. The paper – “Physics-based Modeling and Prognostics of Electrolytic Capacitors” – is co-authored with his adviser, Professor… Read MoreAug. 13, 2012
Xue’s wireless networks research earns NSF Faculty Early Career Development award
An electrical engineer who is attempting to make wireless communications more reliable has received the National Science Foundation’s Faculty Early Career Development award. According to the National Science Foundation, these prestigious, five-year awards are given to exceptionally promising college and university junior faculty who are committed to the integration of… Read MoreAug. 10, 2012
Vanderbilt-led team to develop ‘microbrain’ to improve drug testing
Take a millionth of a human brain and squeeze it into a special chamber the size of a mustard seed. Link it to a second chamber filled with cerebral spinal fluid and thread both of them with artificial blood vessels in order to create a microenvironment that makes the… Read MoreAug. 8, 2012
Secretary of Energy selects Kosson as member of key review committee
David Kosson Secretary of Energy Steven Chu has assembled a group of independent technical experts to assess certain aspects of the design of a new, state-of-the art waste treatment plant that the Department of Energy is planning to construct on the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in southeastern Washington… Read MoreAug. 3, 2012
Test flight over Peru ruins could revolutionize archaeological mapping
Archaeological sites that currently take years to map will be completed in minutes if tests underway in Peru of a new system being developed at Vanderbilt University go well. The Skate, by Aurora Flight Sciences, is an unmanned aerial vehicle that will be integrated into a larger system that combines… Read MoreAug. 1, 2012
Chemical engineering grad honored with Presidential Early Career Award
Morgan B. Abney Dr. Morgan B. Abney, a space systems engineer at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., is among six NASA researchers named today by President Barack Obama as recipients of the 2012 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, or PECASE. A… Read MoreJul. 24, 2012
Lane named fellow of engineering council; one of four 2012 honorees
Stephen Lane, executive vice president and chief operating officer for Smith Seckman Reid, Inc., has been inducted into the College of Fellows for the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC). The honor recognizes an ACEC member who through their career has elevated the standards of the engineering profession. Read MoreJul. 19, 2012
Mahadevan receives 2012 best paper award from military research journal
Sankaran Mahadevan Sankaran Mahadevan, John R. Murray Professor of Engineering, has received a 2012 best paper award from the Military Operations Research Journal, a publication of the Military Operations Research Society, for the 2011 submission, “A System of Systems Approach for Effects-Based Operational Planning Under Uncertainty.”… Read MoreJul. 18, 2012
Sztipanovits named Keck Institute visiting scholar
Janos Sztipanovits Janos Sztipanovits, the E. Bronson Ingram Professor of Engineering, has been selected as a 2012 Distinguished Visiting Scholar by the W.M. Keck Institute for Space Studies at the California Institute of Technology. The honor was granted in association with the institute’s study “Engineering Resilient Space… Read MoreJul. 16, 2012
Eight engineering faculty on committee to assess commercial value of Vanderbilt research
Eight engineering faculty members are part of a newly formed 20-member Faculty Advisory Committee in the Center for Technology Transfer and Commercialization (CTTC). Eric J. Barth The Faculty Advisory Committee is comprised of leading Vanderbilt researchers who were brought together to help maximize the effectiveness of CTTC… Read MoreJul. 13, 2012