Engineering Dean Kenneth F. Galloway is named ASEE Fellow
Kenneth F. Galloway, dean of the School of Engineering at Vanderbilt University, has been selected as a member of the Academy of Fellows of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). Galloway’s fellow status will be conferred at the 2011 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition banquet in Vancouver, British Columbia,… Read MoreApr. 25, 2011
Seniors show off real-world design solutions for corporate sponsors at Senior Design Day April 26
Vanderbilt University senior engineering students are challenged to solve real-world design issues for university and corporate sponsors during a two-semester design course. Students will share results with their clients and the Vanderbilt community at Senior Design Day, April 26, from 3-5 p.m. in Featheringill Hall. Engineering seniors have spent two… Read MoreApr. 19, 2011
Vanderbilt engineers’ Powered Knee and Ankle System licensed by California prosthetics company
A high-technology prosthetic device developed by a team led by Michael Goldfarb, H. Fort Flowers Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Center for Intelligent Mechatronics at Vanderbilt University, has been licensed by Freedom Innovations, a California-based prosthetics company. The agreement, announced April 14, grants the company exclusive rights… Read MoreApr. 18, 2011
Jennings offers Senior Day faculty seminar
G. Kane Jennings A series of free educational seminars featuring Vanderbilt faculty will be available to parents and Commencement visitors from 1:30 to 3:45 p.m. on Senior Day, Thursday, May 12. Faculty seminars prove to be popular with the parents and guests of graduates during Vanderbilt University’s annual Commencement… Read MoreApr. 18, 2011
Vanderbilt launches global portal for cyber-physical systems research
The new National Science Foundation-funded Cyber-Physical Systems Virtual Organization (CPS-VO) aims to bring together researchers, educators and students working in academics, industry and government agencies in a kind of virtual brain trust to foster progress, develop priorities and quickly distribute information in the rapidly emerging field of cyber-physical systems. Vanderbilt’s… Read MoreApr. 14, 2011
Student rocketeers again earn Payload Design Award at NASA competition
For the second year in a row the Vanderbilt Aerospace Club has earned the Payload Design Award at the NASA University Student Launch Initiative (USLI), a year-long program that culminated in a rocket launch event on April 17. The other two major awards went to MIT (project review) and… Read MoreApr. 11, 2011
Cummings publishes perspective in ACS Nano
Peter Cummings, John R. Hall Professor of Chemical Engineering at Vanderbilt University, and Michael Simpson, professor of materials science and engineering at University of Tennessee, Knoxville, published a Perspective article in the April issue of the ACS Nano on the role of correlations and fluctuations in physical and biological… Read MoreApr. 8, 2011
Engineering faculty receive awards at spring assembly
Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos presented five faculty members with awards when Vanderbilt‘s Spring Faculty Assembly convened April 7. Professors of psychology and human development, French and Italian, chemistry and biomedical engineering and earth and environmental sciences were recognized before the chancellor addressed the assembly. Clare McCabe, associate professor of chemical… Read MoreApr. 7, 2011
Vanderbilt expert to discuss Japanese nuclear plant crisis April 12
The ongoing nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi facility in Japan will be the topic of a discussion with Frank L. Parker, professor emeritus of civil and environmental engineering at Vanderbilt University, at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 12, at the Adventure Science Center in Nashville. Parker, a nuclear remediation veteran,… Read MoreApr. 6, 2011
Labruto wins 2011 Young Alumni Trustee election
The Vanderbilt Alumni Association announced April 1 that senior Leslie Labruto will serve as the 2011 Young Alumni Trustee, where alongside the current trustees, she will seek to provide both the current student and young alumni perspectives to the Board of Trust. Labruto is a Civil Engineering major with… Read MoreApr. 6, 2011