Galloway reappointed at School of Engineering
The dean of the School of Engineering has been reappointed for a new four-year term, announced Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Richard McCarty. Kenneth F. Galloway, also a professor of electrical engineering, has been dean for 12 years. His new term runs until June 30, 2012. “Ken… Read MoreDec. 5, 2008
Cummings speaks at AIChE ‘centennial’ meeting
The American Institute of Chemical Engineers celebrated its 100th anniversary at the AIChE annual meeting in Philadelphia in November. Peter T. Cummings, John R. Hall Professor of Chemical Engineering, was invited to give one of five overview talks in a Centennial SuperSession on “Major Successes and Exciting Prospects for Research… Read MoreDec. 1, 2008
Jansen, Giorgio tell Board of Trust of ambitious goals of interdisciplinary research
An ambitious goal of restoring human function to people facing life in a wheelchair through a marriage of neurosurgery, bioengineering and neurosciences was presented to Vanderbilt Board of Trust members during their academic programs and student life committee meeting Nov. 19. “We want to be able to restore function to… Read MoreNov. 20, 2008
Three honored at 2008 Engineering Celebration Dinner
Nearly 300 alumni, parents and friends—who are Lewis Society members or returning for their reunion—turned out for the 2008 Engineering Celebration Dinner in October at the Student Life Center. Alumni in attendance covered a span of over 7 decades— from 1938 to 2008—and represented 12 classes reuniting during Reunion Weekend,… Read MoreOct. 28, 2008
New program helps with costs of summer study abroad
A new program at Vanderbilt will provide scholarships to help undergraduate students pay the costs of studying abroad during the summer. Vanderbilt Student Government (VSG) leaders Joseph Williams and Wyatt Smith proposed the student aid and worked with Provost Richard McCarty to create the Global Summer Fellows Program. Williams is… Read MoreOct. 27, 2008
Computer programmers probe latest software trends at OOPSLA
More than 1,000 software technologists from around the world will gather at the 2008 OOPSLA conference October 19-23 to address the newest trends in improving programming languages, refining the practice of software development, and exploring new programming paradigms. Janos Sztipanovits, director of the Institute for Software Integrated Systems (ISIS) in… Read MoreOct. 20, 2008
VUSE partners with Tulane in post-Katrina dual-degree plan
The School of Engineering has entered into a partnership that will enable Tulane University undergraduates to obtain engineering degrees in three study areas that were eliminated from Tulane’s curriculum when that university restructured after Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Johns Hopkins University will also be a partner, offering engineering degrees in… Read MoreOct. 15, 2008
ISIS anniversary event celebrates 10th anniversary
Curious about the impact that the digital revolution is having on the battlefield? Maybe you would like to meet Betty, the computer character that middle school students are asked to teach about various science subjects, a process that teaches them how to learn? Or perhaps you would be interested in… Read MoreSep. 19, 2008
Engineering firm leaders offer expertise to students in environmental design class
Members of the Smith Seckman Reid, Inc. (SSR) team will enter a classroom Aug. 29 in the School of Engineering to offer expertise to students enrolled in a course titled Electrical, Mechanical Systems in Building & Leadership in Environmental Engineering and Design (LEED), a benchmark system designed by the U.S. Read MoreAug. 29, 2008
VUSE, Siemens sponsor wastewater treatment workshop
The School of Engineering and Siemens Water Technologies Corporation are sponsors of a three-day workshop on wastewater treatment in Nashville Aug. 25-27. The event is being held at The Marriott Vanderbilt. The workshop – Advanced Biological Wastewater Treatment Technologies: Innovative Solutions to Difficult Problems – is open to a limited… Read MoreAug. 24, 2008