Vanderbilt engineering professors receive national education award
Vanderbilt engineering professor Robert J. Roselli received the American Society for Engineering Education’s 2007 William Elgin Wickenden Award at the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition held in Honolulu, Hawaii, on June 27. The award, sponsored by the Journal of Engineering Education, is given to the authors of the paper judged… Read MoreJun. 23, 2007
Vanderbilt engineering dean wins IEEE award in nuclear and plasma science
Ken Galloway, dean of the Vanderbilt School of Engineering, has won the prestigious Richard F. Shea Distinguished Member Award from the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society (NPSS). The annual award recognizes “outstanding contributions through leadership and service to the NPSS and to the fields of Nuclear and Plasma Sciences,”… Read MoreJun. 21, 2007
Vanderbilt robot teams, nano-engineering projects win young faculty NSF awards
Young Vanderbilt engineering faculty have netted prestigious CAREER awards from the National Science Foundation for their innovations. Computer Scientist Julie A. Adams won a 2007 CAREER award for her human-robot teaming project, while mechanical engineer Deyu Li won the award for his research in nanochannels used in drug discovery and… Read MoreMay. 27, 2007
Davis, McCleskey receive Vanderbilt Distinguished Alumni Awards
Vanderbilt Engineering alumni Doug Davis and Sam McCleskey received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from Vanderbilt University School of Engineering during the Engineering Celebration Dinner held at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Buckhead on Tuesday, May 22. The School of Engineering Distinguished Alumnus Award recognizes distinguished achievement, significant service, excellent character and… Read MoreMay. 24, 2007
Plan for cancer detector wins prize for Vanderbilt researchers
A plan to use nanotechnology to produce a new type of cancer detector won the third-place award at the NanoNexus2007 conference held last month at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The detector has been under development for two years by Vanderbilt graduate student Chinmay Soman working under the supervision of Todd… Read MoreMay. 16, 2007
Vanderbilt awards exemplary Engineering faculty, staff
Dean Kenneth F. Galloway of the Vanderbilt School of Engineering presented three awards to faculty and staff members for their achievements in research, teaching and professional service during the 2007 academic year. The awards were given during a May 8 ceremony in Featheringill Hall at Vanderbilt. The Edward J. White… Read MoreMay. 10, 2007
Rescue Robot one of scores of senior innovations at Design Day
Colin Roper adjusts the six-legged crawling rescue robot he and a team of fellow engineering seniors developed for the Vanderbilt Center for Intelligent Mechatronics as their senior design project. The team joined hundreds of Vanderbilt engineering seniors soon to graduate, who demonstrated their readiness to tackle real-world engineering problems by… Read MoreApr. 29, 2007
Mobile pollution sensors to be developed at Vanderbilt using Microsoft grant
Vanderbilt engineers have won an award from Microsoft Corp. to develop a real-time, online, detailed and accurate picture of air quality in large metropolitan areas like Nashville. The mobile air quality monitoring system will make it possible to monitor air quality more accurately than the current system of fixed stations… Read MoreApr. 14, 2007
U.S. News graduate school rankings
Six Vanderbilt graduate engineering programs were ranked among the top 50 in the nation, according to the 2007 U.S. News and World Report annual ranking of leading graduate and professional schools. The School of Engineering was ranked 42, up five slots from the previous year. Biomedical engineering led Vanderbilt engineering programs… Read MoreMar. 22, 2007
Vanderbilt engineer wins NSF award for innovative Internet system
Professor Yi Cui has gotten recognition – and funding – for his novel idea that could give YouTube a run for its money. The Vanderbilt assistant professor of computer science and computer engineering has won a prestigious National Science Foundation CAREER Award for his research into peer-to-peer networking to enable… Read MoreMar. 7, 2007