
  • Vanderbilt University

    Caldwell, Hatzell are inaugural Flowers Family Faculty Fellows in Engineering

    Mechanical engineering professors Joshua Caldwell and Kelsey Hatzell are inaugural recipients of Flowers Family faculty awards. Caldwell is the Flowers Family Chancellor’s Faculty Fellow in Engineering. Hatzell is the Flowers Family Dean’s Faculty Fellow in Engineering. The awards target professors who have shown a strong evidence of scientific accomplishment early… Read More

    Apr. 27, 2020

  • Vanderbilt University

    Team makes breakthrough in separation science with sub-Angstrom precision

    An international research team that includes Vanderbilt engineers is the first to successfully separate two ions with very, very small size differences, a major advancement in separation science with widespread potential application. The process is first to achieve solute-solute separation with sub-Angstrom precision. An Angstrom is one hundred-millionth of a… Read More

    Apr. 24, 2020

  • Vanderbilt University

    New PhDs’ work will fuel advancements in industry, medicine, academia

    Concerns about the novel coronavirus changed much on campus this spring, including how some doctoral candidates presented their research. But dissertation defenses proceeded, some of them virtually, maintaining the vital responsibility of a major research university to evaluate the work of Ph.D. candidates before they move on to their next… Read More

    Apr. 21, 2020

  • Vanderbilt University

    Twelve engineering students awarded prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowships

    Nine engineering doctoral students have been awarded a prestigious government-funded National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. Three engineering undergraduate students also have received NSF fellowships NSF Fellows receive a three-year annual stipend of $34,000 along with a $12,000 allowance for tuition and fees for a research-based master’s or doctoral degree in… Read More

    Apr. 9, 2020

  • Vanderbilt University

    Humans could run 50% faster with bicycle-inspired exoskeleton

    Runners could soon keep up with cyclists, thanks to a new invention from a team of mechanical engineers at Vanderbilt. The invention, an exoskeleton worn on the legs, would bring cycling mechanics to the human body and enable people to run nearly 1.5 times as fast — approaching top cycling… Read More

    Apr. 8, 2020

  • Vanderbilt University

    Baroud receives NSF Early CAREER Award to predict and inform community hazard response

    Hiba Baroud has received a 2020 NSF Faculty Early CAREER Development grant to boost community resilience and sustainability through a three-pronged project that starts with a better understanding of how people and infrastructures interact during hazards. The five-year, $500,000 grant, “Policy-Infrastructure-Community Interdependencies: The Next Frontiers in Dynamic Networks,” begins July… Read More

    Mar. 11, 2020

  • Vanderbilt University

    Class project leads to a paper in peer reviewed international journal

    When a research idea is offered to a multidisciplinary class and it results in a journal paper that advances science and creates new scholars, that’s a terrific success. “And, it’s about as collaborative as you can get when graduate and undergraduate students in chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, and chemistry take… Read More

    Mar. 10, 2020

  • Vanderbilt University

    Bangladesh collaboration includes VUSE faculty, looks at lessons for rapid environmental change

    With a population of roughly 150 million people, the delta country of Bangladesh holds about half the population of the entire United States in an area the size of Louisiana, and exists under a near-constant risk of sea level rise and other dynamic climate changes. Now, as the world faces… Read More

    Feb. 25, 2020

  • Vanderbilt University

    Team demos breakthrough in analog image processing, Nature reports

    A research team of Vanderbilt engineers that includes a scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory has demonstrated a new ultrathin filter, based on metamaterials, that allows for analog optical image processing. Their work, Flat Optics for Image Differentiation, appears today in the scientific journal, Nature Photonics. While digital… Read More

    Feb. 24, 2020

  • Vanderbilt University

    Rafat receives Young Investigator Grant from Breast Cancer Alliance

    Recent research links post-radiation inflammation to TNBC patient outcomes Marjan Rafat, Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, has been awarded a Young Investigator Grant by the Breast Cancer Alliance. The two-year, $125,000 award will allow Rafat and her research group to investigate how radiation influences tumor and immune cell… Read More

    Feb. 19, 2020