Anatomy of a microscopic wood chipper: New observations reveal how an individual cellulase enzyme operates
Illustration of the system used to measure the behavior of an individual cellulase molecule. The red shape represents the atomic tweezers that use laser light to manipulate small objects. The blue sphere represents the plastic microsphere that the atomic tweezers can manipulate. The strand of DNA that… Read MoreDec. 11, 2015
Vanderbilt names distinguished computer scientist as vice provost for research
Padma Raghavan Following an extensive national search, Padma Raghavan, a distinguished researcher in high-performance computing and computational science and engineering and a proven academic research enterprise leader, has been named as Vanderbilt University’s next vice provost for research, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic… Read MoreDec. 10, 2015
Vanderbilt School of Engineering, partners awarded $3.5 million from ARPA-E for transformational energy technology
(iStock) A new $3.5 million award from the Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy will support Vanderbilt University School of Engineering researchers’ efforts to create software that can control the Smart Grid – a decentralized power system that is more efficient, sustainable and… Read MoreNov. 25, 2015
Bellan research story among six regional Emmy nominations for Vanderbilt
Mechanical engineer Leon Bellan is working to create artificial human capillary blood vessels using cotton candy and gelatin. Bellan A VU Inside story about his research – Cotton Candy Organs – was nominated Nov. 19 in the Informational/Instructional Series category, and was… Read MoreNov. 23, 2015
Students from award-winning Whites Creek academy visit school’s wind-solar demo site
Students and teachers from Whites Creek’s Academy of Alternative Energy, Sustainability and Logistics visited the School of Engineering's wind-solar energy demonstration site on Love Circle for a day of 'hands-on learning.' When Whites Creek High School students and teachers looked for a ground-mount solar cell installation to visit,… Read MoreNov. 23, 2015
Three-time national rocketry champs are off to a strong start defending their title
The Vanderbilt Aerospace Design Lab is off to a strong start defending their national rocketry title in the 2015-16 NASA University Student Launch Challenge competing against a field of 39 other university teams. On Nov. 14 the student team successfully launched… Read MoreNov. 20, 2015
VISE symposium gives first look at medical technology, recap of tech unveiled this year
A symposium out of Vanderbilt University’s newest institute will provide participants a first look at medical technology coming out of our labs and a recap of tech unveiled at conferences around the world this year. The research to be presented at the Dec. 16 Vanderbilt Institute in Surgery and Engineering… Read MoreNov. 16, 2015
GM engineer: Today’s crash test dummies cost up to $500K, saving more lives
The U.S. Department of Transportation aired a series of "Vince and Larry" public service announcements on seatbelt use from 1985-1999. Today’s undergraduates were in preschool during the “You Could Learn a Lot from a Dummy” series of PSAs encouraging seatbelt use, but the ads were memorable for… Read MoreNov. 10, 2015
Vanderbilt Ph.D.’s new company provides researchers ‘X-ray’ on cellular processes
Researchers in the biotech and pharmaceutical industries long have used cells as mini-factories to produce fuels, medication and other products. They know what goes into cells and what comes out — for instance, yeast cells take in sugar and produce alcohol. What researchers don’t know is what is happening inside… Read MoreNov. 6, 2015
Solar sail is secondary payload on 2018 Orion flight – NASA PI
Instead of looking at space atmosphere as a toxic vacuum, look at it as an asset, said Les Johnson, who handed a silver 4-inch square of solar sail material as light as small bird’s feather to an audience member. As the piece of sail traveled through a standing-room-only crowd in… Read MoreNov. 6, 2015