Unexpected turn moved newest chemical engineering prof into creating brain models
Vanderbilt University’s newest chemical and biomolecular engineering assistant professor grew up fascinated with the human brain and decided early on he’d focus his research on that complex organ. But a surprise turn of events as an undergraduate led Ethan Lippmann into a particular avenue of brain research: using induced pluripotent… Read MoreSep. 10, 2015
Surgery and engineering initiative becomes institute
(Vanderbilt University) VISE is keeping its acronym but changing its name. The Vanderbilt Initiative in Surgery and Engineering will become the Vanderbilt Institute in Surgery and Engineering. The promotion from a three-year trial program to an established institute is the consequence of a Vanderbilt… Read MoreSep. 10, 2015
IMS grad student takes home physical sciences award from conference
John F. Mansfield, left, MSA President, congratulates Jake Benzing on his award. (Submitted photo) A Vanderbilt PhD student in interdisciplinary materials science took home a first-place poster award at August’s Microscopy & Microanalysis conference, held last month in Portland, Oregon. Jake Benzing, whose adviser is Associate Professor of… Read MoreSep. 9, 2015
School of Engineering recruits 3 new faculty members
The Vanderbilt University School of Engineering announces the appointment of three new faculty members to its full-time teaching staff. They are Hiba Baroud, Maithilee Kunda and Ethan Lippmann. Baroud After completing a Ph.D. at Oklahoma University’s School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Hiba Baroud has joined the civil and environmental… Read MoreSep. 4, 2015
Experts address promises and problems of 3D printing large structures
(iStock) Every month or so an article comes out reporting that some new object has been made using 3D printing: Everything from jewelry to prosthetic devices to electronic circuit boards to assault rifles to automobiles has now been created in this fashion. The prospect that this revolutionary… Read MoreJul. 24, 2015
Tiny mechanical wrist gives new dexterity to needlescopic surgery
With the flick of a tiny mechanical wrist, a team of engineers and doctors at Vanderbilt University’s Medical Engineering and Discovery Laboratory hope to give needlescopic surgery a whole new degree of dexterity. Needlescopic surgery, which uses surgical instruments shrunk to the diameter of a sewing… Read MoreJul. 23, 2015
Zelik, team discover hip, foot muscles more important to walking than previously thought
Karl Zelik (Vanderbilt University) In his effort to develop better prosthetic limbs, Karl Zelik had to start with deciphering more clearly how muscles function in walking. His path not only led to a better way of quantifying human locomotion, but also to the discovery that muscles around… Read MoreJul. 9, 2015
Ten cross-disciplinary projects with engineering collaborators win TIPs funding
Ten of 17 cross-disciplinary projects selected for the initial set of awards from Vanderbilt’s new Trans-Institutional Program (TIPs) initiative include 23 School of Engineering collaborators. Philippe Fauchet “These projects represent a broad range of research and teaching, and I’m happy so many engineers are working in such varied fields. Forging… Read MoreJun. 23, 2015
New nanoparticle enhances success rate of coronary artery bypass grafts
Illustration shows “nanopolyplex” delivery of a peptide into a surface leg vein prior to bypass grafting. The peptide inhibits a signaling pathway that drives proliferation of cells in the inner lining of the blood vessel, a process known as intimal hyperplasia (IH). As shown at… Read MoreJun. 19, 2015
VU’s more specific drought-measuring tool could help shape policy
(Photo courtesy NOAA) A more specific drought-measuring formula created by a group of Vanderbilt University environmental engineers could have implications for emergency planning, federal relief payouts and drought mitigation efforts. With California’s record drought sending the state and farmers to the bargaining table over water,… Read MoreMay. 26, 2015