
  • Vanderbilt University

    TSU, Vanderbilt win nearly $1 million to increase minority STEM Ph.D.s

      2012 graduates of the Fisk-Vanderbilt-Master’s-to-Ph.D. Bridge Program (Vanderbilt University) Increasing the number of minority students who earn a Ph.D. in science, technology, engineering and math is the aim of a new “bridge to doctorate” program being launched by a coalition of Tennessee universities and led by… Read More

    Apr. 27, 2015

  • Vanderbilt University

    Design Day 2015 wows crowd; AT&T presents Innovation awards

      A crowd gathers in Featheringill Hall to see more than 60 engineering design projects created by teams of seniors who have devoted two semesters to solving design problems. (Joe Howell/Vanderbilt)   News from Design Day:  More awards, more space for projects, a move to Vanderbilt’s Student Life… Read More

    Apr. 24, 2015

  • Vanderbilt University

    ‘Challenge’ puts technology transfer ingenuity on display

    Members of the First Diagnostics team are, from left, Elizabeth Conrad, Michael Feldkamp, Ph.D., Hailey Verano, Samantha Sarett and, at far right, team leader Kelsey Beavers. Lawrence Marnett, Ph.D., and Md. Jashim Uddin, Ph.D., fifth and sixth from the right, developed the COX-2 inhibitor that could lead to a new… Read More

    Apr. 16, 2015

  • Vanderbilt University

    Engineering student’s ‘nano-taxicab’ is best Three-Minute Thesis presentation

    Kelsey Beavers Using the analogy of a nano-taxicab to describe her research on developing an improved drug delivery system, Kelsey Beavers won first place March 27 in a Three-Minute Thesis Competition for Vanderbilt graduate students, and she tied for the People’s Choice award, taking two of the three awards given… Read More

    Apr. 15, 2015

  • Vanderbilt University

    NSF research grant goes to 10 engineering graduate students

    The National Science Foundation has named 10 Vanderbilt engineering graduate researchers as recipients of Graduate Research Fellowships. The program is aimed at aiding individuals who have demonstrated notable potential early in their research career. An additional goal is increasing the diversity of the science and engineering workforce. “Increasing diversity in… Read More

    Apr. 13, 2015

  • Vanderbilt University

    Vanderbilt Aerospace Club grabs top honors in rocket competition for third straight year

        Vanderbilt rocketeers continued their winning ways in this year’s NASA Student Launch competition, taking first place for the third consecutive year. Vanderbilt’s Aerospace Club was one of 31 university teams that competed April 11 at Bragg Farms in Toney, Alabama, near NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville. Read More

    Apr. 12, 2015

  • Vanderbilt University

    Artiphon one of scores of senior innovations at Design Day April 20

    Artiphon, a Nashville music technology startup with its “everything instrument,” has tapped two engineering student teams to tackle engineering challenges as their senior design projects. Those teams join hundreds of Vanderbilt engineering seniors who have spent two semesters on projects. They all will demonstrate their readiness to tackle real-world engineering… Read More

    Apr. 10, 2015

  • Vanderbilt University

    California’s solar incentive program has had only modest impact on adoption rates

      (iStock) Since 2007, California has had one of the most aggressive incentive programs in the country for putting solar-electric panels on the rooftops of homes and businesses. Its $2.2 billion California Solar Initiative (CSI) has provided a per-watt rebate for installing residential and commercial photovoltaic systems. Read More

    Apr. 7, 2015

  • Vanderbilt University

    Two engineering students recognized by Goldwater Foundation

    Taylor Cannon and Eunice Jun have received honorable mentions in this year’s Goldwater Scholars competition. Cannon Cannon, from Greensburg, Pennsylvania, is a sophomore in the biomedical engineering program. Her research focus in biomedical optics is guided by her interest in developing optically based, low-cost diagnostic equipment to detect curable… Read More

    Apr. 6, 2015

  • Vanderbilt University

    Computer science student receives Symantec Graduate Fellowship

    Computer science graduate student Bo Li has been awarded a Symantec Research Labs Graduate Fellowship. She is one of three recipients nationwide of the prestigious fellowship. The SRL Graduate Fellowship provides up to $20,000 that may be used to cover one year of a doctoral student’s tuition fees and to… Read More

    Apr. 6, 2015