Engineer proud to be part of sophisticated robot, test chamber project
The IPEMS robot is fully dressed in a standard individual protection ensemble protective gear. For the first time, the military can conduct high-quality and reproducible tests of protective equipment without using a human subject. Photo courtesy of MRIGlobal. The completion of a human-like robot designed to provide data on the… Read MoreFeb. 27, 2014
Four professors elected into AIMBE’s College of Fellows
Four biomedical engineering professors have been elected into AIMBE's College of Fellows. L-R, Michael Miga, Bruce Damon, Thomas Yankeelov and Mark Does were honored recently at a campus reception. They will be inducted into the College of Fellows March 24 at AIMBE's Annual Meeting. Four biomedical engineering professors in Vanderbilt’s… Read MoreFeb. 25, 2014
Eminent American climate scientist to deliver Hall Lecture March 27
American climate scientist and National Medal of Science recipient Warren M. Washington is a guest speaker in the 2013-2014 John R. and Donna S. Hall Engineering Lecture Series at Vanderbilt University. The lecture – The Development of Computer Earth System Models: Climate Change in the 20th and 21st Century –… Read MoreFeb. 20, 2014
Baby hearts need rhythm to develop correctly
Microphotograph of a chick embryo clearly shows the U-shaped tube from which the heart develops. At this stage of heart is the size of a comma on a printed page. (M.K. Sewell-Loftin / Vanderbilt) To develop correctly, baby hearts need rhythm…even before they have blood to pump. “We… Read MoreFeb. 19, 2014
Gore honored by Zhejiang University
John Gore, director of the Vanderbilt University Institute for Imaging Science, was named an honorary professor of Zhejiang University, China, during his recent visit to Zhejiang University School of Biomedical Engineering and Instrument Science. John Gore Gore, who delivered a lecture titled “The Emerging Role… Read MoreFeb. 19, 2014
Valentine receives NSF Early Career award
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Jason Valentine has received a National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development grant. Valentine The four-year, $400,000 grant – All-Dielectric Optical Metasurfaces For Controlling Wave Fronts – will allow Valentine to continue research that will lead to a new class of ultra-compact optical elements that… Read MoreFeb. 17, 2014
Math models to aid voice disorders
(iStock) Dynamic interactions between biological structures – such as insect wings, fish fins, heart valves and human vocal folds – and the environment (air/liquid) around them are critical for their physiological functions. Computational modeling of fluid-structure interaction (FSI) for biological systems is challenging and has not been extensively… Read MoreJan. 31, 2014
ChE senior enters final round of national undergraduate research competition
Marc Panu is looking forward to a final round in March to determine a first-place award for undergraduate research that will be announced at the 40th annual convention of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) in Nashville. Panu, a senior in chemical… Read MoreJan. 26, 2014
‘Deep dive’ in popular fields is aim of next generation of MOOCs
YouTube: Learn about Mobile Cloud Computing with Android Vanderbilt teams up with University of Maryland to offer trans-institutional sequence of massive open online courses Enabling students taking massive open online courses to dive deeper into learning and develop mastery in a particular subject are the aims… Read MoreJan. 21, 2014
Young alumna’s passions fuel sustainable solutions globally
Leslie describes how she’s putting her civil engineering degree to work in this YouTube video. You can explore and engineer clean energy, too Vanderbilt alumna Leslie Labruto’s early career trajectory illustrates just how many ways a young civil environmental engineer can accommodate both her heart’s leaning and her tangible… Read MoreJan. 18, 2014