Advanced Graduate Courses

The CS 6000+ are organized in four primary areas.  You must have at least one class from three of the four areas of study (one of which must be Computing Foundations).

Please note:

As of fall 2023, the following CS 8395 Special Topics courses count for the areas as indicated here; no other CS 8395 courses are approved to count for any area requirement.

Special Topics courses are not offered on a regular schedule.

  • Computing Foundations (CF)
    • CS 6310 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms
    • CS 6311 - Graph Algorithms
    • CS 6315 - Automated Verification
    • CS 6320 - Algorithms for Parallel Computing
    • CS 8395 - Numerical Methods from Modern CS
    • CS 8395 - Numerical Methods FOR CS
  • Computer and Network Systems (CNS)
    • CS 6375 - Discreet-Event Systems: Supervisory Control and Diagnosis
    • CS 6376 - Foundations of Hybrid and Embedded Systems
    • CS 6377 - Topics in Embedded Software and Systems
    • CS 6381 - Distributed System Principles
    • CS 6384 - Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems
    • CS 6385 - Advanced Software Engineering
    • CS 6386 - System-Level Fault Diagnosis
    • CS 6387 - Topics in Software Engineering
    • CS 6388 - Model-Itegrated Computing
    • CS 8395 - Cloud Computing
    • CS 8395 - Topics in Computer Security
    • CS 8395 - Advanced Topics in Software Engineering
    • CS 8395 - Internet of Medical Things
  • Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS)
    • CS 6350 - Artificial Neural Networks
    • CS 6351 - Advanced Animation
    • CS 6352 - Human-Computer Interaction
    • CS 6358 - Computer Vision
    • CS 6360 - Advanced Artificial Intelligence
    • CS 6362 - Machine Learning
    • CS 6364 - Intelligent Learning Environments
    • CS 6366 - Distibuted Artificial Intelligence
    • CS 8395 - Exploring Virtual Worlds
    • CS 8395 - Advanced Topics in VR
    • CS 8395 - Augmented Reality
    • CS 8395 - AI for Cyber-Physical Systems
    • CS 8395 - Intelligent Surgical Robots
    • CS 8395 - Extended Mathematical Programming
    • CS 8395 - HCI Research Topics
    • CS 8395 - Machine Learning for Dynamical Systems
  • Medical Image Computing (MIC)
    • CS 6357 - Open-Source Programming for Medical Image Analysis
    • CS 6358 - Computer Vision
    • CS 6359 - Medical Image Registration
    • CS 8395 - Open Source Programming for Medical Image Analysis
    • CS 8395 - Open Source Programming for Medical Image Processing