Industry Partnership and Workforce Development

Purposeful Upskilling for the Evolving Job Landscape

Lab Technician

Empowering Talent: Agile Learning Solutions for the Evolving Workforce

In response to the demands of today's dynamic job market and the imperative for agile learning, Vanderbilt University School of Engineering (VUSE) has embarked on a journey to address the evolution of skill composition. Our focus lies in cultivating critical core skills relevant to your company's needs, recognizing them as essential pillars for navigating your evolving workforce landscape in an ever-changing AI-augmented world.

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Experiential Workforce Development Program

Our experiential workforce development program is a testament to our dedication to fostering talent for the future. Purposeful upskilling and re-skilling are evident in our tailored initiatives aimed at providing custom solutions through innovative learning and hands-on practice. With a customizable curriculum, flexible format, and seamless technological integration,  we connect top experts with your employees directly, building a culture of lifelong learning.

Leveraging our expertise in cutting-edge domains such as the application of artificial intelligence, generative AI, cybersecurity, data science and analytics, radiation effects, power electronics, risk, reliability, and resilience, and strategic leadership in science and technology, our tailored programs aim to empower individuals with the expertise needed to excel in their fields. We can help your company build a business strategy with enhanced technology and human talent, producing far greater results than either one working in isolation.

I look forward to working with your team and addressing your unique needs and aspirations. Together, let’s chart a course toward achieving your organizational goals through strategic talent development to lead the future of work.


Joanne Wang, Ed.D.
Assistant Dean, Professional and External Education Programs
Vanderbilt University School of Engineering

Areas of Expertise

Application of Artificial IntelligenceIntellectual Property for Engineers and ScientistsRobotics
Cyber-physical SystemsInterdisciplinary MaterialsSemiconductors
CybersecurityMachine LearningStrategic Leadership in Science and Technology
Data Science and AnalyticsPower ElectronicsSurgery Robotics
Generative AIProcess optimization, performance measurement, data democratizationTechnical Communication and Marketing
Industrial EngineeringProject ManagementTechnology Forecasting and Management
Infrastructure and Construction ManagementRadiation EffectsTransportation and Supply Chain Management
Risk, Reliability, and Resilience

Flexible Delivery Methods

• On-Campus

• On-Site

• Online

• Hybrid

Formatted to Serve Professionals

• Interactive lectures

• Workshops

• Self-paced modules

• Instructor-led training

• Live seminars

• Customer support