The Center for Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology focuses on restoring health, mobility, independence and societal participation to individuals with disabilities by:
- Studying the interdisciplinary science of human movement, called biomechanics/neuromechanics,
- Designing, developing and controlling next-generation assistive and rehabilitative technologies, such as prosthetic limbs and robotic exoskeletons,
- Performing human subject experiments in our state-of-the-art motion analysis lab to measure if and how much these technologies help users,
- Training engineers and scientists to be the future leaders and innovators in the fields of biomechanics, biomechatronics, human augmentation, and neuromotor rehabilitation engineering.
CREATE Facilities
CREATE consists of a state-of-the-art 3000 sq. ft. motion analysis lab for human subject experiments, plus about 3000 sq. ft. of engineering and fabrication space (housing the labs of Prof. Goldfarb, Prof. Zelik and Prof. Braun).
Summary of Hardware
Bertec split-belt force-instrumented treadmill, 6 AMTI in-ground force plates, 10-camera Vicon T40 motion capture system, 12-camera OptiTrack motion capture system, Xsens portable motion capture, 16+ channel wireless Delsys Trigno EMG system, Cosmed K4b2 portable respirometry system, Telemed EchoBlaster 128 ultrasound systems, as well as additional portable sensors and rehab/testing apparati (stairs, ramps, treadmills, etc.).
Summary of Computers & Software
Multiple desktop and laptop workstations with Matlab, SolidWorks, Creo Parametric, LabVIEW, Vicon Nexus, Visual3D and other engineering and biomechanics software.
Summary of Fabrication Facilities
Multiple electromechanical workstations with assortment of hand and power tools. Additional fabrication facilities are available for use in the Vanderbilt University School of Engineering machine shops, and in the Wond’ry Makerspace (located one floor beneath us).
Additional Facilities
The lab is located in the new Engineering & Science Building, and directly connected to the brand new 13,000 sq. ft. Innovation Center (called the Wond’ry), which contains additional fabrication equipment and collaboration space.

Contact Us
Inquiries should be sent to Prof. Karl Zelik (karl.zelik@vanderbilt.edu), Prof. Michael Goldfarb (michael.goldfarb@vanderbilt.edu), or Prof. David Braun (david.braun@vanderbilt.edu). Please visit their individual lab pages below for more details.