• Vanderbilt University

    Alumni share experiences and advice at annual scholar athlete – ROTC dinner

    Engineering Dean Philippe Fauchet and other school officials honored more than 40 undergraduate SEC athletes and ROTC members at a University Club dinner Monday. Say “Yes!” to opportunities outside your comfort zone. Shine your own star. Become comfortable with your ignorance. Chase excellence, not success. Hire people who are good… Read More

    Feb. 13, 2018

  • Vanderbilt University

    ‘Smart cane’ could help flag falling risks more quickly

    Two Vanderbilt engineers have developed an instrumented cane that can analyze gait to determine the risk of falling while still providing support. Nilanjan Sarkar, professor of mechanical and computer engineering, says the “IntelliCane” can quantitatively calculate falling risk as accurately as a physical therapist can with their own eyes. Read More

    Feb. 13, 2018

  • Vanderbilt University

    Alumni startup speeds up hospital device, technology procurement

    GreenLight Medical was 1 of 13 companies selected for Google Pitch Day in 2017. Austin Dirks (BE’08), right, is CEO; Stephen Saine (BS’04), left, is technical architect. Three key experiences paved the way for Austin Dirks (BE’08) and Stephen Saine (BS’04) to launch a medical device and technology procurement platform… Read More

    Feb. 11, 2018

  • Vanderbilt University

    IRIS Initiative: Shaping tomorrow’s infrastructure

    Written by Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Caglar Oskay & Post-Doctoral Research Scholar Alessandro Fascetti. This article was originally posted on the VUBreakThru blog. A 2016 Trans-Institutional Program (TIPs) award, the Vanderbilt Initiative for Intelligent Resilient Infrastructure Systems (IRIS) continues to make progress. The development of the… Read More

    Feb. 5, 2018

  • Vanderbilt University

    Engineering alumni return as firm reps at career fair

    Houston Massey (BE’15), left, and Nanhva Jin (BE’13) stayed busy at the table for Epic Systems. It hasn’t been all that long since Houston Massey (BE’15) stood on the other side of the table at a career fair, nervously waiting to speak with company representatives. On Monday Massey and… Read More

    Jan. 31, 2018

  • Vanderbilt University

    Vanderbilt wins top prize in first round of DARPA Spectrum Collaboration Challenge

    A portion of the 2016 frequency allocation chart. In two years, the world may see a revolutionary solution to the century-old approach of allocating bands for specific use on the radio frequency spectrum. Vanderbilt may help solve the problem. A Vanderbilt team of researchers and alumni – dubbed MarmotE –… Read More

    Jan. 30, 2018

  • Vanderbilt University

    Engineering undergrads from DIIGI lab present their research at SPIE Photonics

    A new device that can image diseases of the retina more quickly will soon be tested during ophthalmic surgeries with Vanderbilt Eye Institute collaborators. The prototype was designed by a Vanderbilt engineering undergraduate, who is first author on a paper about the work she will present today at the largest… Read More

    Jan. 29, 2018

  • Vanderbilt University

    Vanderbilt School of Engineering offers new master of risk, reliability, and resilience engineering

    A new master’s degree from Vanderbilt University School of Engineering will prepare students to meet increasing workforce needs in risk, reliability and resilience engineering. The Risk, Reliability, and Resilience (RRR) Engineering professional master’s degree program is expected to be of great interest. Companies have been asking whether the School of… Read More

    Jan. 26, 2018

  • Vanderbilt University

    Duvall elected into AIMBE’s College of Fellows

    Craig L. Duvall, associate professor of biomedical engineering, has been elected a 2018 Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE). He will be inducted at the Fellow Induction and Awards Ceremony April 9 at AIMBE’s annual meeting in Washington, D.C. Craig Duvall Duvall conducts research on… Read More

    Jan. 23, 2018

  • Vanderbilt University

    Transportation experts dig into congestion, connectivity, conflicts

    Autonomous vehicles are coming. That much is clear. Far less clear “is when, at what rate, and through what evolution path,” said Hani S. Mahmassani, the William A. Patterson Distinguished Chair in Transportation at Northwestern University. Mahmassani, also director of the Northwestern University Transportation, was among three keynote speakers who… Read More

    Jan. 22, 2018