Additive Manufacturing

  • Vanderbilt University

    4D printed thermite could make welding in space and combat zones easier, safer

    A recent mechanical engineering doctoral graduate has created a material for welding in extreme conditions that could minimize equipment needed and operator hazards. Kelsay Neely, PhD’20, is headed for NASA Marshall in Huntsville as an aerospace engineer. The material—a safe, stable, thermite paste—can serve as a portable, programmable heat source for… Read More

    Jul. 20, 2020

  • Vanderbilt University

    Soldiers partner with Vanderbilt engineers to create a new model for innovation

    Soldiers from the 101st and Matthew Yandell, chief innovation officer of HeroWear and recent Vanderbilt engineering PhD graduate, carry howitzer rounds to simulate the physical demands of field artillery missions. Photo|Professor Karl Zelik, Vanderbilt University GPS, duct tape, microwaves and computers—these everyday items have one thing in common:  Each invented,… Read More

    Oct. 12, 2019

  • Vanderbilt University

    Mechanical engineering grad student wins NASA space research fellowship

    Vanderbilt graduate student Darren Tinker has selected by NASA for its 2016 class of Space Technology Research Fellows. Darren Tinker Tinker is a second year graduate student in mechanical engineering. His research – An Additively Manufactured Torch Igniter for Liquid Propellants – is funded up to $74,000 for one year,… Read More

    Apr. 13, 2016