Alvin Strauss

  • Vanderbilt University

    4D printed thermite could make welding in space and combat zones easier, safer

    A recent mechanical engineering doctoral graduate has created a material for welding in extreme conditions that could minimize equipment needed and operator hazards. Kelsay Neely, PhD’20, is headed for NASA Marshall in Huntsville as an aerospace engineer. The material—a safe, stable, thermite paste—can serve as a portable, programmable heat source for… Read More

    Jul. 20, 2020

  • Vanderbilt University

    Engineering proposals receive $1M in NASA funding

    Vanderbilt University has been awarded $1 million by NASA for a pair of proposals designed to aid the space agency. Both of the Vanderbilt proposals were submitted by Alvin Strauss, professor of mechanical engineering. NASA has awarded $16.8 million to 19 colleges and universities nationwide to conduct research and technology… Read More

    Jun. 21, 2010