Biomedical Engineering
Class of 2021: Family bonds inspire biomedical engineering major to fight breast cancer through cellular research
By Amy Wolf Yoanna Ivanova wears a red-and-white Martenitsa bracelet around her wrist. It’s a Bulgarian tradition representing health, success and renewal—all of which the biomedical engineering major and A. James Clark Scholar is hoping for as she prepares for a future… Read MoreMay. 12, 2021
Faculty, students to honor late professor Matthew Walker III in virtual memorial May 8
Matthew Walker III (Vanderbilt University) Faculty, students, administrators and friends of the School of Engineering and School of Medicine will hold a memorial to honor professor and mentor Matthew Walker III. Walker was a beloved professor and mentor who developed and taught Vanderbilt University’s biomedical engineering design curriculum… Read MoreMay. 4, 2021
Schwager is one of 100 Ph.D. students in U.S., Canada named P.E.O. Scholar
Samantha Schwager, a Ph.D. student in biomedical engineering, is one of 100 doctoral students within the United States and Canada selected to receive a Philanthropic Educational Organization Scholar Award from the P.E.O. Sisterhood. She was nominated by P.E.O. Chapter P of Nashville. Samantha Schwager Schwager is a fourth-year graduate student… Read MoreApr. 28, 2021
BME Professor Matthew Walker III was biomedical design leader
Matthew Walker III, professor of the practice of biomedical engineering and associate professor of radiology and radiological sciences, died April 24, 2021, at his home. Mathew Walker III Walker, 56, designed an innovative biomedical engineering design curriculum that leveraged connections between the Vanderbilt School of Engineering, the medical school and… Read MoreApr. 27, 2021
Three elected to College of Fellows of American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering
Three Vanderbilt University faculty have been elected to the College of Fellows of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE). They are: Cynthia Paschal Cynthia Paschal, PhD, senior associate dean for Undergraduate Education and associate professor of Biomedical Engineering and Radiology and Radiological Sciences. Brad Malin,… Read MoreMar. 10, 2021
Engineering Professor Michael Miga is 2021 SPIE Fellow
Michael Miga, Harvie Branscomb Professor at Vanderbilt and professor of biomedical engineering, has been named a Fellow of SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, for achievements in technology guided surgery and computational modeling for therapeutic and imaging applications. SPIE will honor 57 new Fellows of the Society for 2021. Read MoreFeb. 23, 2021
Engineering Senior Associate Dean Paschal is 2021 AIMBE Fellow
Senior Associate Dean and Biomedical Engineering Professor Cynthia B. Paschal has been elected to the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering College of Fellows. Dr. Paschal will be inducted during AIMBE’s Annual Event on March 26 along with 174 colleagues who make up the Fellow Class of 2021. The… Read MoreFeb. 15, 2021
Three teams with engineering faculty, students accepted to 2021 NSF I-Corps cohort
Three Ideator teams with an engineering faculty member, an alumna and an undergraduate have been accepted to the Spring 2021 I-Corps cohort. The National Science Foundation Innovation Corps program supports deep technologies and fundamental discoveries in science and engineering that have high potential to impact society. Vanderbilt’s Ideator program, run through the … Read MoreFeb. 5, 2021
Neuroengineer joins School of Engineering Jan. 1, 2021
Christos Constantinidis has been appointed professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering beginning Jan. 1, 2021. At Vanderbilt, he also will be a member of the university’s Brain Institute and the Vision Research Center. He joins the School of Engineering from the Wake Forest School of Medicine. Christos Constantinidis Constantinidis’… Read MoreDec. 16, 2020
Imaging brain’s white matter is predictive “biomarker” for Alzheimer’s disease progression
Measuring changes in functional connectivity of the brain’s white matter, which is made up of nerve fibers and their protective myelin coating, can predict Alzheimer’s disease progression, researchers in the Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science have found. Previous studies have correlated variations in blood oxygenation level dependent… Read MoreNov. 20, 2020