Chris Wiernicki

  • Vanderbilt University

    ABS underwriting cost of employee’s PhD in risk and reliability

    One of the world’s largest marine classification societies is sponsoring a PhD student in risk and reliability engineering, an arrangement that could become more common as the number of jobs requiring graduate degrees outside of academia continues to increase. Eric VanDerHorn, a senior engineer at Houston-based ABS (the American Bureau… Read More

    Nov. 3, 2017

  • Vanderbilt University

    Wiernicki recognized by Massachusetts academy for maritime industry service

    Christopher J. Wiernicki, one of the newest members of the School of Engineering Academy of Distinguished Alumni and chairman, president and CEO of ABS, has added another honor to a long list of achievements. He received the Maritime Person of the Year Award from the Massachusetts Maritime Academy on September… Read More

    Sep. 26, 2017

  • VUSE Distinguished Alumni

    Engineering school announces 2017 alumni honorees

    Vanderbilt engineering alumni Kimberly V. Bryant and Christopher J. Wiernicki are the newest members of the School of Engineering Academy of Distinguished Alumni. Bryant will be inducted into the academy at a special event March 21 at Vanderbilt University. Wiernicki will be inducted at a special event March 28 in… Read More

    Mar. 17, 2017