• Vanderbilt University

    Online platform assures cyber-physical systems research is legit, results don’t disappear

    Janos Sztipanovits (Vanderbilt University) Computer scientists from around the globe are using a one-stop shop to find research results that could help them move the field of cyber-physical systems forward, improving the relationships between humans, computers and the physical world that can make life safer, energy-efficient and… Read More

    Nov. 16, 2018

  • Vanderbilt University

    $9M NSF grant to help Vanderbilt engineers expand frontier of cyber-physical systems

    Vanderbilt University engineers are part of a multi-university project funded by a five-year $9 million National Science Foundation grant to help determine the most efficient approach to designing and operating cyber-physical systems that support national health, energy and transportation priorities. FORCES is a key component of the NSF’s CPS technologies… Read More

    Jul. 29, 2013

  • Vanderbilt University

    Vanderbilt launches global portal for cyber-physical systems research

    The new National Science Foundation-funded Cyber-Physical Systems Virtual Organization (CPS-VO) aims to bring together researchers, educators and students working in academics, industry and government agencies in a kind of virtual brain trust to foster progress, develop priorities and quickly distribute information in the rapidly emerging field of cyber-physical systems. Vanderbilt’s… Read More

    Apr. 14, 2011