
  • Vanderbilt University

    CS student’s Microsoft dissertation grant supports her vision disability research

    Computer science graduate student Haley A. Adams has been awarded a 2021 Microsoft Research Dissertation Grant. She is one of 10 recipients in the United States and Canada who are underrepresented in the field of computing and pursuing research aligned to research areas carried out by Microsoft researchers. Microsoft aims… Read More

    Jul. 16, 2021

  • Vanderbilt University

    New PhDs’ work will fuel advancements in industry, medicine, academia

    Concerns about the novel coronavirus changed much on campus this spring, including how some doctoral candidates presented their research. But dissertation defenses proceeded, some of them virtually, maintaining the vital responsibility of a major research university to evaluate the work of Ph.D. candidates before they move on to their next… Read More

    Apr. 21, 2020