• Vanderbilt University

    Game theory points to new DNA data privacy solutions

    by Paul Govern Information based biomedical discovery, in particular the push toward precision medicine, depends on open-ended analysis of de-identified data from patients and research participants on the largest possible scale. Sharing data while controlling the risk of data reidentification under privacy attack is vital to the enterprise. Zhiyu Wan… Read More

    Dec. 17, 2021

  • Vanderbilt University

    Nobel Laureate Frances Arnold creates new enzymes by following nature’s lessons

    Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Frances Arnold delivered the School of Engineering’s fall 2020 Hall Lecture Sept. 15. Mixing chemistry, biology and engineering, Frances Arnold tweaks enzymes found in nature to perform new tricks by altering their DNA. Arnold, a Caltech chemical engineer with a Nobel Prize in Chemistry, scads more… Read More

    Sep. 17, 2020

  • Vanderbilt University

    DNA duplicator small enough to hold in your hand

    Imagine a “DNA photocopier” small enough to hold in your hand that could identify the bacteria or virus causing an infection even before the symptoms appear. This possibility is raised by a fundamentally new method for controlling a powerful but finicky process called the polymerase chain reaction. PCR was developed… Read More

    Jan. 12, 2017